Let me love you

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       School is over, so I go home of course. Ethan offered to give me a ride, but I told him I wanted to be alone to think about things.

     I walk home, and see that Daniel's car is in the driveway. I go inside and see that him and my mom are sitting at table.

     "Hello Penelope." Daniel says. My mom doesn't say anything, she doesn't even look at me.

     I also don't say anything. I just go up to my room and lay on my bed, looking at the ceiling.

      A few seconds later, I hear a knock on my door. "Penelope? It's Daniel. Can we talk?" Daniel says.

     "Come in." I said. He comes into my room and sits on the end of my bed.

     "Your mom told me about Blake." He said.

     "I don't want to talk about it." I quickly said. I sit up and hug my knees. I felt offended that she shared something so personal to me with someone like him.

     "I don't blame you, it's a hard thing to talk about. My wife was very similar to you. Before she married me, she dealt with stuff like that. She talked about it once, and never talked about it again. She said, she didn't find the need to talk about it when Jesus already forgave her. Your mom does care, she just hasn't told you to your face. She loves you more than anything. Trust me, you're all she talks about during dinner. I think you're just dealing with some things right now, and you don't notice the little things around you." He said.

     I sigh. " I know she loves me. I'm just so confused right now, about who I am. Who I want to be."

     "You are hanging out with Christians now, correct?" He asks.

     "Sadly yes." I said.

     "Maybe they're praying for you, or have other people praying for you. I think God's trying to get to you." He said.

     My eyes grow wide, my heart full of shock. "Well, m-make Him stop!" I yell.

     He laughs. "No one can stop God. I feel you're close to accepting Him. You will accept Him when you are ready. He loves you Penelope. A love that will never fail, the only one that will love you no matter what." He said.

     I roll my eyes. "He doesn't love me. How could anyone? I've been attacked, I get drunk more than I want to, I used to cut until I was in the hospital, I listen to heavy metal music, I cuss. I'm worthless to him." I said.

     "No, you're just telling yourself that. Once you're a Christian, all those things eventually go away. The guilt, the pain, the memories, all of it. My wife, she died a strong, God loving Christian." He stands up. "I want to give you something." He hands me a book.

     The Holy Bible.

     "It was my wife's, but God tells me you need it." He said.

     I hold the book on my lap, rubbing the golden letters with my finger.

     "Read it sometime. I promise you won't regret it." He leaves.

      I look at the clock and realize, I need to go to work. I quickly run downstairs and head for the front door.

      "Where are you going?" I hear my mom.

      "To work." I stop near the front door.

     "No you're not." She said. I go into the kitchen and look at her.

      "What?" I say.

     "You quit your job. You always told me how much you hated it, and you always came home exhausted, I also don't want you across the street from that bar, even though Blake's been arrested. So I called your manager and told him you quit." She smiles.

     "Mom. We needed the money." I said.

     She slowly shakes her head. "I got a new job. Its full time, and it pays five times as much as my last job did." She says. The smile not leaving her face. "You can get a job later, I think you need a break."

     I run up and hug her. "Oh, thank you. Thank you!" That job was the worst.

     I look over at Daniel and see that he's smiling.

     Saturday arrives quickly. I wake up to my, very old, alarm clock. I put on my usual makeup and clothing, even though I'm not going anywhere, I go outside to work on my bike. I notice that my bike tires are full and a stuffed animal is attached to my bike, with a note on it. I look at the not.

     Scavenger hunt. Do you accept?

     A scavenger hunt? Sure why not? Although, it may lead me to my death. Eh, oh well. I don't have anything better to do. I turn the paper over.

     First location: Your least favorite place on earth, that smells like a hippy van 24/7

     That made me giggle. I immediately think of school.

     I head over to school on my bike. Once I get there, I notice another note on the door.

      Roses are red, violets are blue, I think I may be "falling" for you.

     Falling? Is this a joke saying how clumsy I am? I sit down and read the note a few more times. Falling. Who the heck is "falling" for me? And where is this location? It makes me think of two spots. The skydiving lot and the bungee jumping arena.

     I decide to go to the skydiving lot. It's not open yet, so I ride around on my bike. I see another stuffed animal with a note.

      Music is the best, especially when you share it with the one you love. Don't be afraid to ask him for your favorite tunes with your name on it. ;)

     That makes me think of my local music shop that I always go to. So, I go to it and go to the front counter.

      "Hey Ben." I say. I ask him for my favorite CD reserved in my name.

      Ben smirks. "Oh, you're in for a treat." He hands me the CD case that was already opened. I open it and see the CD and also a note.

      You "melt" my heart. I would be "frozen" without you.

     Ice cream shop! Wow. That note was cheesy. But it did make me crave ice cream.

     I go into my local ice cream shop and see nothing. I turn back around and open the door.

     "Are you Penelope?" One of the employees asks me, making me jump.

      "Y-yes?" I say.

     "You left your phone here." She hands me a cell phone.

     "Oh, I don't own a-" She walks away before I can finish. I notice the phone case has Penelope written on it. Then the screen lights up.

      Come home. From: secret admirer ;)

     I ride my bike back to my house. I look at the porch and see someone standing there with a sign. I go up to him and notice it's Ethan. And he's holding a sign that says


      Written in guitar picks and music notes.

     My face turns red. "Ethan?" I say.

     "I know that was the cheesiest thing you have ever probably experienced, but I couldn't help it. Will you go to homecoming with me?" He asks, giving me a big smile.

     I run up and hug him. "Yes!"

     He hugs me back. We stay there for a few minutes. Then he backs away.

     "You can keep the phone by the way." He said.

     "Are- are you serious?" I say.

     "Of course. It's already paid for. You can do anything on it, it's a smartphone, so-"

     I silence him with a big hug.

     "Ethan! You're the best!" I hug him super tight.   

     I've never been to dance before. He's so sweet! I just, ugh, love him!

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