He likes me? He likes me not?

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     Two weeks have passed in a blink of an eye. Nothing has really happened except for the normal things. Ethan being a sweetheart, Buck being cute and annoying, I even made a couple of new friends. James and Jessica. James is on the football team with Ethan, and Jessica is Buck's sister. They are both super nice. And Ethan hasn't looked at me any differently ever since he found me drunk as a skunk. I am very thankful for him and our little group we got going on. I always sit with them during lunch.

     I'm still my normal self despite all the new good friends I've made. I pop in my ear buds and drown out everyone's conversations. Until I notice Ethan staring at me. I take my earbuds out.

     He shifts in his chair. He looks uncomfortable. "Uh, Penny?" He says.


     "Um, would you like to... Go to youth group with me tonight?" He said like he's asking me on a date.

     I freeze. Youth group means church. He's never really asked me to go until now. And he even knows I'm uncomfortable with the whole Christian thing. But I mean going with Ethan might be okay. Just this once. I'm suddenly attracted to Ethan, even though he's a Christian. He's such a sweet guy.

     "You know what?" I finally say. "I'll go. But you'll owe me." I said.

     "R-really? You'll go?" He said.

     "Don't make me change my mind." I said.

     He looked surprised. "Great!" He smiles. "Do you want to come over after school?" He asks.


     "Yeah." Buck speaks up. "We can finally play that game I was telling you about. Than we can go to church. I'm really happy you're going Penelope." Buck said.

     "You're a Christian Buck?" I said.

     "Duh, I'm the reason mister big mean football player here is a Christian." He said. Those words shocked me.

     "Well you and my family." Ethan adds.

     I sit back consuming the words I just heard. finally the bell rings and we all leave for class.

     After school, Ethan drives me and Buck back to his house. It felt awkward sitting in between the two boys in a small truck.

     We drive past my house, I see my moms car and also pastor Daniels. They honestly make a cute couple. Pastor Daniel hasn't pushed his religion on us. Except praying before we eat, which I have to leave the room when he does that. But I'm also happy for my mom.

     We also drive by my restaurant, I don't work on Wednesdays so that's good. I smile as I look across the street from my restaurant, the bar that Blake owned is closed down.

     Once we get to his house, his parents greet us.

     "Penelope! Buck! Long time no see!" Ethan's mom greets us with a hug. I feel guilty when I see her, the first time I met her, I was drunk and unaware of my surroundings. I felt like an idiot.

     We go upstairs to Ethan's room. I never really saw his room when I was here last time. His room was huge! It had everything that you would expect a jock to have, and more. Trophies, workout equipment, a TV that's bigger than my bed. Speaking of the bed. It's giant. Why would somebody need a bed that big? I'm quite comfortable with my twin sized bed.

     Something then catches my eye. A guitar in the corner of the room.

     I gasp. "You didn't tell me you play guitar." I said going over and looking at it.

     "I used to. It just catches dust these days. Feel free to play it." He winks at me.

     I pick it up and start playing. It needed tuned so I get out my tuner and play some strings.

     "You always bring a tuner with you?" Buck said.

     "I'm a musician, of course I do." I said.

     "How come you can afford a guitar and all the fancy equipment, and not a phone?" Buck continues.

     "'Cause I bought them before my dad left..." I stop everything, remembering what I just said. Tears fill my eyes. What are they going to think about me? I never told anyone about my dad. Anytime I talk about my mom and me, I say family so people would think I actually have one.

     Ethan and Buck glance at each other.

     I sniff, letting a tear slip. "I-i'm sorry I lied to you guys." I stuttered. I put the guitar beside the bed. I lost the feeling to play it.

     Ethan looks at me with worry in his eyes. "You never told me about your dad." He said.

     "It's just um, me and my mom." I close my eyes, refusing to let tears fall.

     I then feel my body being hugged by someone. I smell Ethan's normal scent. I smile.

     He's hugging me.

     I then feel someone hug me from behind. Buck. I shift into a position so I can hug them both.

     "You guys are the best." I say. Crying tears of joy.

     "We love you Penelope." Ethan says. My heart skips a beat.

     After the tender moment passes, I grab the guitar again. Ethan gets some video game controllers, he tried to hand me one.

     "No thanks." I say. "I'll just be your background music." He hands it to Buck.

     I begin to softly play the guitar. Soon, my fingers start hurting from pressing on these old string. But I don't care, this guitar sounds amazing.

     "You're really good." Buck says not taking his eyes off of the TV screen.

     "I told you man." Ethan says. He meets my eyes. "You know, you should enter that music competition."

     "Oh no, I don't think I could." I say.

     "But you're so good. I believe you could win." He suddenly leans over and suddenly kisses my cheek. "Do it for me?" His eyes are glowing, the smile not leaving his face.

     Buck quickly stands up. "Woah, woah, woah, if y'all need privacy, I can gladly step in the hall." He said lifting his hands up.

     My face is full lava now. I rub the spot where he kissed me, the smile not leaving my face.

     "I am so sorry." Ethan said. His face was also bright red, but he still smiles. "I just wanted you to join the competition, I didn't mean to do that. I'm sorry."

     Buck chuckles. "He's not sorry."

     Ethan looks at him. "No comment."

     I'm still shocked that he did that. Me and Ethan have been friends for a couple of weeks now, but now I'm curious. Does Ethan like me? I hope so, I really do.

     Ethan laughs. I'm even more attracted to him now. I almost feel uncomfortable when I'm near him. Uncomfortable in a good way, anyway.

     Ethan looks at me. "Will you please join the competition?" He said.

     I shrug and smile. My cheeks still feel like they're on fire. "Sure." I say. Ethan smiles.

     "If you two are done," Buck said. "We're going to be late for church." He points at his watch.

     We all go into Ethan's truck and leave.

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