chapter i. // contest

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Poppy’s POV

The Yard

Saturday, 18th January 2014 9:37am

I swung the heavy hay net over my right shoulder, not caring that the stray bits of hay got tangled in my high ponytail. The 1975 was blaring from my headphones, slightly muffled from my deep red headband with earmuffs at the side that covered my ears. Not like there was anyone else around to hear it, though. My tired feet dragged lazily across the pavement on the way to the stable block, the loose stones coated in a light layer of frost. Why must Southern England be so cold at this time of the year? Sighing heavily, my breath misted into the air, curling in front of my face and numbing my nose even more, and my red fingers were rubbed raw from carrying the hay to all the stables. It was silent except for the rustling of the horses as they paced in their stables, chomping on hay and snorting occasionally. Oh, the joys of working at the yard.

Entering my own horse’s stable, I tied up the last net. Bandit immediately knocked me out the way with his head and shoved his muzzle happily into the food. Greedy guts. I reluctantly patted his shoulder, lingering on the soft material of his fleecy rug. I let myself out of the stall and sat down on the ground that I had swept clear that morning, crossing my legs and resting my back against the concrete wall opposite the stables. Once I turned off my music and placed my iPod carefully back in the pocket of my navy blue yard jacket, I clapped my hands together to try and get the feeling back into my fingertips. I gave up and slipped my hands into the fleece-lined pockets which were still pretty cold, especially against the cold metal casing of my iPod and phone. I sat for a minute, reflecting on... everything, really. It may be spookily quiet and freezing, but it was comfortably peaceful. Until I heard footsteps. Heavy, fast steps as if someone was running. I pulled myself to my feet, not taking my hands out of my pockets and peered over the wall which only went up to my shoulders. Hannah? My best friend sprinted towards me and crashed into me at full pelt, enveloping me in a rough hug. I laughed, slipping my hands out of my pockets and hugging her back. “What are you doing here, Han? You’re hardly even out of bed at this time!” I laughed, pulling away. Hannah hopped up and down excitedly, “You’re coming with me!” she squealed, grabbing my icy hands and dragging me out of the yard, just as another one of the workers at the yard, Harriet, came out with two cups of tea from the lounge. “Looks like I’m leaving, Harry!” I called to her. She nodded once and raised one cup as a sort of ‘goodbye’, then turned back into the lounge to put one of the cups back.

We arrived at Hannah’s car – a tiny red Mini – and she vaulted into the driver’s seat. “Are you sure I can get in?” I asked, opening the passenger door, “I’m all... horsey.” I complained in a jokey manner. Hannah simply patted the seat beside her. I shrugged and got in, my slightly muddy boots leaving dried dirt all over the clean, black carpet. It’s strange that Hannah wouldn’t care – she had just gotten  her driver’s licence last week and the car was her pride and joy. What could of made her so excited?

--- earlier in the week ---

Hannah’s POV

Hannah’s House

Tuesday, 14th January 2014 04:50pm

I lay in my usual position, in my usual place, curled up on my bed after school, still in my uniform, and a half-full mug of hot chocolate in my hand, my other hand scrolling through Twitter on my laptop. The last tweet that I hadn’t seen came from Tristan Evans, from the Vamps. ‘@TheVampsTristan: Joe has banned me from Twitter for a week! Apparently I spend too much time on it. Oh well. See you guys in a week!’ He wrote, overdoing it on the sad-faced emojis a bit. I smirked a little, making my way back to the top of my feed. One new tweet.

‘@ImCalledConnor: So, Tris has been moaning a lot about not having a girlfriend. Being the amazing wingmen we are, Brad, James and I have decided to come up with a little contest! Send us a message with a short paragraph about yourself and attach a photo of yourself to win a date with Tris! Winner announced on Friday night!’

Simple enough. I huffed with laugher. Imagine if Poppy won this? She’d absolutely freak! I raised my eyebrows and put my hot chocolate down. What sort of a friend would I be if I didn’t do this? I opened up a word document and began to type.

--- 10 minutes later ---

Done! I leaned back, quite pleased with my work.

‘Hi, my name’s Hannah Fairbanks, and although I am a huge fan of the Vamps, I am not entering this contest for myself. Instead, I would like to nominate my best friend, Poppy Duncan. She is seventeen years old, and a stunning, thoughtful and just generally amazing girl. Although she can be painfully shy at times, she certainly knows how to have fun and she has an absolutely brilliant sense of humour. Constantly on her feet and doing something, I think Poppy completely deserves anything and everything, because she has done so much for me so I think it’s time I at least try to repay her. [ She has also been complaining about not having a boyfriend too, so help me out here? ] H xxx’

Hopefully this would be enough. I sent the message, then lay back and propped my hands up on my head. My hot chocolate was cold now and my fingers and eyes ached from typing and staring intensely at the screen. Worth it, though. But just imagine if we won!

Poppy’s POV

Hannah had dragged me all the way from the stables, to my house and then to her house, dropping off her car and grabbing some overnight bags. She refused to tell me anything which was driving me crazy, even as we got off the taxi we had taken from her house and got on a train which was destined for London. “What the hell are we going to London for?” I asked, slightly annoyed, but Hannah just smirked and took another bite of a bagel she had brought along. I rolled my eyes and sighed, laughing into my breath. Sometimes I had no idea what went through this girl’s head. I was still dressed in my stable gear and hay was sticking out of my hair, but I didn’t really care much. This was mental.


So, here's my new fanfic c:

I will probably be more active on this one compared to the other one just because I think it is going to be a bit more interesting, although I will still be updating the other fanfic! Please vote, comment, follow and whatever else :3

Thanks for reading!

Cat xxx

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