chapter iv. // trippy

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Poppy’s POV

The Hotel

Sunday, 19th January 2014 7:03am

“How on earth do you get up so freaking early?” Hannah moaned, rolling over to cover her head in a pillow. Her bird’s nest of a hair style still stuck out horrifically from under the pillow. My hairdryer had woken my friend up from her sleep as I dried my hair and put it up in a loose bun so the rest could dry naturally. “I’m just used to it!” I repeated for the millionth time. Waking up to go see my horse, Bandit, in the early mornings stopped me from lying in on my days off, but then again, I never had a day off with that horse. Coming to London for the weekend was a one-off and I’d texted Harriet this morning to ask if she could sort out Bandit for me today. Still in my warm, spotlessly white hotel towel that was wrapped around me, I rummaged through my overnight duffel bag that my mum had packed for me. Turns out Hannah had told her everything, so she managed to include everything I needed and more, somehow fitted into the small bag. What would I do without my mother? I found my mint green jumper, dark blue skinny jeans and the black converses I’d worn yesterday for my ‘date’ with Tristan. Come to think of it, I hadn’t stopped thinking about it at all since he dropped me off at my hotel room. His purple hoodie was still wrapped over the back of a chair where I’d left it yesterday. In fact, my head kind of ached from thinking of that boy. Wow.

I went into the bathroom to get dressed quickly and came out fully dressed to find Hannah had fallen asleep again. May as well not disturb her, or she would probably rip me limb from limb.

I let myself out of the hotel room and began to walk slowly down the corridor. What was it about hotel corridors that were just so irresistible to run down when you were a kid? Even now I still felt the urge to sprint down the empty hallway, but I managed to refrain and walk like a sensible adult to the elevator. I pressed the button to the ground floor and made my way down to the hotel restaurant where they were currently serving a breakfast buffet. The seats were basically all empty except for a group of four businessmen sipping coffees and typing speedily on their fancy macbook computers. I helped myself to waffles, pancakes and whatever else took my fancy, still going over last night’s events and overanalysing every one of Tristan’s movements. Wow, I probably sounded like such a creep.

I tucked into my breakfast, enjoying the hot coffee that burned the roof of my mouth, forcing me to splutter awkwardly and causing me to get a few concerned and slightly annoyed glares from the businessmen in the corner of the room. Slowly, the seats began to fill up as more and more people woke up and came for breakfast. I finally realised how utterly stuffed I was and decided to make my way back up to my room. I ended up getting slightly lost, completely missing the lift I took earlier in the morning and ending up at another lift at the other end of the hotel, which still took me to level four, but at the opposite end by room 450, so I would have to walk past the boy’s rooms to get to mine. Hopefully they were all still asleep. As I began to walk, I could hear screeching and loud laughter coming from further down the hall, followed my white blobs squirming round on the hallway floor. Oh God. As I got closer, I realised that it was Connor and Tristan, wrapped in a duvet each and rolling around on the floor with James and Brad standing by, laughing at them, also wrapped in duvets. “Oh, hi!” Brad said as I came closer, “This isn’t what it looks like!” he choked out between laughs. “Poppy?” Tris rolled over so I could see him. “This is the girl?” James asked, suddenly becoming self conscious and wrapping the duvet around him tighter, “Yeah!” Tristan stood up, the blanket falling off him slightly and revealing him in only his boxers, but Tristan hurriedly covered himself back up. Too late. My face was already turning horrifically red. “Morning,” I greeted them, rubbing my left arm in embarrassment. What perfect timing. Just as I’m walking back from breakfast I come across a gorgeous band of teenagers rolling around on the floor in just their underwear and a duvet. “So, did you enjoy your little date?” asked Bradley, earning a deathly scowl from Tris, “Um, yeah. It was good fun!” I replied, tucking my hands into my pockets. “Brilliant! So why don’t you and your friend come out with us in a bit? We can go round London.” James said, “We’ve got a day off today, so we may as well do something. Come meet us in our room in about half an hour?” he suggested. “That sounds great! I’ll have to go wake Hannah up. See you guys in a bit.” I tried on my best smile, which probably looked far too strained and probably quite creepy. Could I be anymore... awkward? I felt like banging my head against a wall as I walked away as fast as I could without looking like I was speed walking too obviously. Time for the task of waking Hannah up...

--- 45 minutes later ---

“I thought I said half an hour!” James chuckled as we entered his and Connor’s room where the four boys were waiting.

“Sorry, Hannah insisted on making her hair perfect and all that.” I apologised, dragging Hannah in after me. Usually she was the one dragging me about everywhere! “It had to be done.” She said defensively, sitting down on a nearby chair which had a sock and a t-shirt loosely flung over the back. In fact, their room was pretty dirty, covered in clothes scattered around everywhere. “Sorry ‘bout the mess. Tris’ fault!” Brad said, “Don’t look at me like that!” Tristan stood up, collecting up a t-shirt and pair of jeans before balling them up and dropping them into a pile at the foot of Connor’s bed in an attempt at ‘cleaning up’.

“We should probably go now,” Connor said, standing up, “I want to go on the London eye!” he grabbed his phone, shoving it into his pocket and making for the door.

--- 20 minutes later ---

After a very quick stop at the breakfast buffet for the boys and Hannah to grab some waffles for the go, we headed for the London eye. Despite the fact it was still early morning, there was a long line to get onto the attraction. It didn’t really help much that the three girls in front of us happened to be huge the Vamps fans and chatted away to the boys for most of it and taking selfies as Hannah and I talked among ourselves. Nearing the end of the line, Hannah went up front with Brad and Connor as I stayed back, taking to the other two. Hannah, Brad and Con got on the first capsule which was also filling up with other visitors. “One more person!” called the man by the door as the capsule slowly moved along the platform. “See you guys later!” James winked at the both of us, leaping onto the capsule just as the doors closed. “Guess it’s just us again!” Tris grinned.

I stretched out my arm, snapping the photo of me and Tris with the Houses of Parliament in the background. “Hey, really good connection up here!” I smiled as Twitter loaded up almost immediately. ‘On the London Eye with my new bestie! @TheVampsTristan’ I wrote under the picture, posting it. “Oh my God!” I laughed as the first few comments came in, mostly from Tristan’s followers on Twitter now probably stalking my account thinking that I was dating Tris or something. Well, he did have his arm around me in the picture. Huh? I don’t remember that! He had his arm round me? I didn’t even feel it. Or maybe I did... Did I? I snapped out of it, scrolling through some of the comments. ‘#Trippy’ someone wrote. “Haha! Trippy? Are they shipping us?” Tristan asked, scrolling himself through the feed on my phone considering he was still banned by Joe from using Twitter. “Looks like it.” I looked at more tweets coming in with the #Trippy tag. I noticed I had four new followers as well, from James, Con, Brad and even the band account. Obviously not Tris, though. Strange how even some of their followers were now following me as well. Urgh, enough Twitter for today. Instead we simply looked out the glass capsule in silence, watching London go by. By now people were the size of ants, just blips in the distance. Even though our capsule was filled with other complete strangers, it felt like we were in a world of our own. Suddenly, my phone buzzed. A text message from an unknown number. ‘Cute picture! From James xxx’ read the text. I looked up to the capsule in front of us and Hannah, Brad, James and Connor were waving and making kissy faces at us, pressing their faces up against the glass. I saw Hannah texting and a couple seconds later I had a new message from her. ‘Sorry, just gave the boys your number xx’ she wrote. I stuck my middle finger up in the air at them and they all burst out laughing, and so did Tristan. ‘Hands off Poppy, he’s mine! B x’ came a new text. ‘Trippy ftw! Cxxx’ “What has Hannah done?!” I laughed, locking my phone and putting it back into my leather messenger bag. “What can I say?” began Tristan, “Trippy for the win!” he laughed, looking back out the window. Wait, so Tristan Evans ships me and him? Wow.


Trippy for the win!

Thanks for reading!

Cat xxx

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