chapter xiii. // spider

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Sunday, 8th February 2014 7:30am

Tris and I left the house. The crunch of stones under my feet and the cold, crisp air reminded me that it was still winter, so I zipped up my hoodie that I had thrown over my shirt. I gripped Tristan’s hand as we walked, humming the tune to ‘Heart Out’. “So, where are we going?” he asked, letting go of my hand to wrap his arm around my waist.
“You’ll find out,” I grinned, “Get ready for some proper breakfast.”
We walked closely to each other, and I attempted to lay my head on Tris’ shoulder but he was too tall, meaning I ended up awkwardly resting on his armpit, but he didn’t seem to mind. The small path along the country road we were walking on meant we had to squeeze extra close and half the time I ended up walking along on the actual road so Tristan wouldn’t end up walking into the stinging nettles that hooked over the pathway indicating how rarely they got trimmed.
After ten minutes of silence, Tris began to laugh.
“What’s so funny?” I asked,
“Oh, just this-“ Tris suddenly jumped a foot away from me and gave me a shove so I stumbled into a puddle, getting my converses wet.
“Why you little-“ I squealed, leaping out the puddle that went half way up my foot and I pushed Tris back into the same puddle.
“Oi!” he scooped me up and threw me over his shoulder in a fireman’s lift. He was surprisingly strong for his skinny frame. “You’ve asked for it now!” he carried me a few meters as I squealed and pounded on his back with my fists, “You started it!” I laughed, “Nice butt though.” I poked his bum and he jumped in surprise. A couple of seconds later and he tipped forwards, dumping me into a bush. I lay there for a moment as he laughed at me and I stuck my tongue out at my boyfriend, before turning my head to see a huge cobweb right beside my head and a spider sitting in the middle of it.
“Spider! Spider!” I screamed, tossing myself away from the bush and flailing about to try and get the cobweb out of my hair. Tris was crying with laughter as I threw my hair over my head, combing it with my fingers to get the leaves and twigs out.
“Not funny.” I came back to my normal state and approached Tristan, punching him in the shoulder.
“Ooowwww!” he giggled, trying to dodge my punch but failing, “At least you’re a good sport.”
“What?” I looked at him as we started walking again.
“Oh, you know,” he began, helping me get the leftover leaves out of my hair, “Most girls would of clawed my eyes out if I did that to them.”
“Then why did you do it to me?”
“Because I knew you wouldn’t.” He looked straight ahead, adjusting his own hair which had fallen out of place in our play fighting.
“Oh...” I breathed.
“Remember when we first met?” he asked.
“Of course, how could I forget?” I replied, “Plus, it was only like, less than a month ago.”
“Well, yeah, but when we first met, you asked if I was who you thought I was, and when I said yes you didn’t bring it up again. We talked about normal things, not about my career, and I liked that. A good change of pace.” He told me. I was speechless.
“So, that’s why you like me? Out of all the other girls you chose me because we could talk normally?”
“Well, that’s just a contributing factor. You’re gorgeous, you’re a great person in general, you put up with my idiocy and you’re fun.”
“Thanks,” I hooked my arm around his back, resting my hand on his shoulder, feeling slightly embarrassed yet flattered.
“I think the real question is why did you choose me? I’m a bit of a... I dunno. Not particularly ‘boyfriend material’ I guess. I’m hard to put up with.”
“Yeah, maybe you are,” I laughed, standing on my tiptoes to kiss his cheek, “But that’s my problem,  isn’t it.” He looked down at me and squeezed me tighter.
“I love you.” He said.
“I love you too.” I blushed, slipping my hand into his again. “We’re here!” I pulled him inside the pub.


“Wow, this is good.” Tristan tucked into his stack of pancakes and I started on mine. “I’m glad you like it, Tristan!” My auntie Lydia patted his shoulder. She worked at the pub along with my grandparents who owned the place, and I occasionally helped out in the holidays to get a bit of extra money. She turned and mouthed to me, ‘I like this one!’, pointing at Tris who was too busy eating to notice. I held back a laugh and grinned at her in response. “Right, Poppy, I’ll see you later. You two have fun!” she kissed the top of my head quickly and scurried off to go and tend to the other customers.
“We should come here every day,” Tris said through a mouthful of pancakes, “We could bring the boys here. Con would love it especially.” He swallowed yet another huge forkful.
“Wow, I don’t know how you eat that fast!” I had only managed one pancake so far whereas Tris was almost half done.
“Too good...” He managed, “Can we have dessert as well?”
“Dessert with breakfast?” I asked and Tris gave me a look as if to say ‘you don’t have dessert with breakfast?’, “Sure.” I giggled, pouring more syrup over my plate.
Tristan’s phone buzzed suddenly, and he dropped his cutlery to check the message. “It’s Joe,” he said, reading the text, “He says he wants me back tonight.” Tris groaned, locking his phone again.
Slightly disappointed, I leaned forward, “Well in that case, we’ll have to make the most of today.”


Sorry for slow and boring updates. Hopefully I'll start updating sooner and make the chapters more interesing soon c:
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Cat xxx

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