chapter v. // embarrassment

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Poppy's POV

Biology Class

Thursday, 23th January 2014 10:30am

1 new message from Trissyboi;)

I looked at my phone from under the table when I felt the buzz signalling a new message. Tris and I had been texting each other for ten minutes, and my biology teacher - Mr. Davon - was pointing to the board and blabbering on about root hair cells or something.

'Tristan is not amused.' Read the message, followed by a selfie of Tris on the train with a twisted expression on his face, his white beanie hat pulled down so only a small blonde tuft of hair stuck out the front. I smirked at the image and quickly replied with 'How attractive ;)'. The Sunday we had spent with the boys had gone by so quickly, and we were having so much fun Hannah and I barely managed to get onto our 1:30 train back to where we lived in Camberley. The rest of the week had gone by slowly, hardly hearing much from the guys even though they promised to keep in touch, but in their defence they had been pretty busy with interviews and photo shoots and all that stuff famous people do. Only now had Tristan had the time to text me properly, and even though it was in the middle of a lesson I wasn't going to throw away this opportunity.

"Er, Miss. Duncan?" boomed Mr. Davon. I could feel the twenty-seven other pairs of eyes fall to me. My face instantly burned with embarrassment. "Care to explain what you find so funny?" he asked, placing his hands on his hips.

"It's nothing, sir..." I squeaked, trying to subtly slip my phone back into my pocket, but Mr. Davon walked over and held out his hand. I reluctantly placed the phone in it. "You can have it back at the end of class. This isn't like you at all, Poppy!" he dropped my phone onto the desk in front of him just as it buzzed, making a loud noise amplified by the wooden surface. "What's this?" he asked rhetorically, as my phone turned itself onto the lockscreen. "A text from... 'Trissy boy'... winky face?" he grinned, earning a round of sniggers from the class. Kill me now. "He says, 'I know right? Winky face'." Mr. Davon put the phone back down, the class still muttering under their breaths and snorting with laughter. My face was probably the reddest it had ever been. "You know what I know?" he began, "That you've got an hour after school, in here. Don't try to sneak out the front gates." I groaned as quietly as I could, but the disappointment and annoyance was obvious on my face. Oh my God...

--- after the detention ---

"Thanks a lot, Tris!" I laughed down the phone as I walked out the school gates. I had called him as soon as I got my phone back, as he was probably wondering where I'd got to. "You little arsehole." I finished telling him what happened. I heard him giggling down the phone, accompanied by who I could only think was Brad, "How was I supposed to know?" he snorted. I heard rustling and a small thump before more rustling, "Sorry, I dropped my phone from laughing!" he told me as I began walking to my house. "Hey Poppsie!" yelled the voice that was laughing with Tris "Go away Bradley!" I heard Tristan saying followed by a couple of swear words and a loud click. "Sorry about him, I just locked myself in the bathroom." He said. "It's okay. I know what he's like." I replied, shoving my free hand into my blazer pockets. The good thing about going to sixth form is that we could wear our own clothes as long as they were suitable 'smart' clothing, so I mostly wore nice trousers or a skirt with a shirt or jumper with a blazer. "Yeah..." he began, "So, I need to talk to you later. Skype me?" he asked. "Sure, what about?" I asked. "Oh, nothing really." Tris' voice wavered slightly, giving me the idea he was up to something. I could suddenly hear a loud banging on the door. "OPEN UP TRIS!" yelled the person, who sounded like James. "I GOTTA PEE, SERIOUSLY!" there was more banging on the door. "I should probably go." Tris said, "I'll speak to you later!" he ended slightly louder as James began to bang on the door more and yell "I BEG OF YOU!". "See you later then, Tris." I hung up and put my phone back in my pocket where it belonged, chuckling to myself about the James incident.


Just a sneaky little update :3

Hopefully I'll be able to upload a bit more often because I'm procrastinating against doing my work a lot and... yeah. That's about it. I should go do something productive now.

Thanks for reading!

Cat xxx

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