Chapter 10

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I sat by a small stream, pressing some Burdock Root to my lip to prevent infection. I winced at the sting, but kept going. The sound of a stick snapping behind me made me freeze. For some odd reason, I instinctively placed my open palm on the ground. I could feel vibrations. I could feel something standing behind me. I waited a moment then twisted and leaped at the creature. We tumbled forward, me landing on top of it. I opened my eyes and snarled, only to have it drop off my face.

"Sam?" I said, pushing myself off of him.

He sat up and shared a confused and concerned look.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

He shook his head quickly then scooted closer.

"There's something wrong with Bruntsfield." He said ominously.

I raised a questioning brow.

"Whadda you mean?" I asked, searching his eyes.

He brought his face close to mine, and locked eyes with me.

"All the plants are rotting and dying." He said.

"What?" I asked surprised.

"And it snowing red snow!" He added, getting a bit louder.

I widened my eyes.

"It's snowing.... what?" I asked, my heart starting to pound painfully in my chest.

"Red. Red snow." He repeated, swallowing hard.

I felt something warm on my bare arm, and whipped my head towards it. A small trickle of blood dropped down my arm. A gasp escaped my lips and my gaze shifted to the sky towards where Sam is from. Storm clouds were accumulating far above the tree, and I see red snow beginning to fall directly above us.

"Speak of the devil...." Sam mumbled.

My mind traveled back to the day I listened in on the meeting. My body froze instantly.

"The Day of Rot and Blood Snow." I whispered.

"Say again?" Sam requested.

I grabbed his shoulders and looked him in the eyes.

"The Day of Rot and Blood Snow. It's happening today! That's what Deiphobus was talki-!" Another thought hit me mid sentence.

"The prophecy! The-the-the thing about me! This!" I pointed to the sky.

"This has something to do with me!" I said in a whisper yell.

Sam searched my face for an answer.

"How can you be sure?" He asked quietly.

I pushed away from him and started walking towards the mountains.

"Isn't it obvious?" I asked.

"The blood snow. The rotting plants. It's what he said. This is all part of it. And those storm clouds are too." I explained, memories of my vision of the tornado flashing under my eyelids.

Sam walked beside me, falling into matching strides.

"What are you going to do?" He asked.

I glanced at him, and kept walking, clenching my hands into fists.

"I'm gonna get some answers." I said vaguely.


I grunted as I pulled myself up and over the last ledge of the the mountain. Sam waited, leaning against the wall behind him. When he noticed me standing in front of him, he straightened up. He gestured to the the little opening in the side of the mountain.

"Lead the way." He commanded.

I shook my head, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"You must stay out here." I said, looking at him sympathetically.

"Why?" He whined.

"Because in there," I nodded to the opening.

"Is sacred ground. Outsiders are forbidden." I said.

He huffed and nodded, sitting on the edge. I nodded and crawled in, crouching down to avoid smacking my horns against the top of the tunnel. It lead downwards, taking so many twists and sharp turns that I lost all sense of direction. My fingertips brushed against the walls on both sides, keeping myself steady. After a while of walking in the darkness, breathing in nothing but stale cave air, the fresh scent of outside filled my nose. I took a deep breath of it and sped up, coming to a large cave. In the center stood the great Échase Pétra, the rock that connected the physical world, with the Realm of The Pnévma. I stepped up to the rock, and dropped to my knees. Taking a deep breath I spoke.

"Ancient ancestors, of every tribe and cave, please bestow your answers on my unworthy eyes, as I am in dire need of your wisdom.

I lifted my hand and placed my palm against the ancient stone relic. It was ice cold, and sent intense chills up my spine. My eyelids turned to led and slammed closed. My body felt like glass, as if a single movement would shatter me. A warm, sticky liquid smelling of metal traveled up my body, slowly allowing control over my limbs. It traveled over my head, red filling my vision. Blood. My limbs instinctively paddled through it, trying to get to the surface. I panicked as it seemed to move farther away.

'I'm going to drown!' My mind screeched.

Blood found it's way through my lips and down my throat, choking me. I coughed through the liquid, feeling my lungs scream for air. I started to feel weak and just as I was about to faint, my head broke the surface. My lungs expanded with precious air as I gulped it in quickly. My body was tossed back and forth with the waves until it lifted me up and slammed me onto a shore. My fingers sunk into it, slowly lifting me up to my hands and knees. My throat convulsed and blood spilled out of my mouth. My breathing ragged and heavy, I slowly pushed myself to my feet, taking in my surroundings. In front of me stood a large waterfall, with water looking pure. Throat burning and limbs aching, I headed towards it. The sound of rushing water hit my throbbing head like a slap to the face. The waterfall poured into a small pool at the edge of a shrub covered cliff. The scent of mildew and nectar filled the air. Bending down, I dipped my blood soaked hand into it. It burned intensely, making me screech and rip it out. I looked at my hand. The blood was gone and my markings were glowing. My eyes darted left, then right, trying to see if there was anyone around me. I took a deep breath and put my hand back in. I screamed as it sent excruciating pain through my arm. I forced myself lower and lower until I was submerged. My eyes stung and my limbs felt like they were on fire. My body sunk like rock, setting me on my knees on the sandy bottom. I closed my eyes, lowering my head, my lungs aching. A heavy weight loomed over my chest as my body didn't receive the air it needed. I could hear my heartbeat in my head. The ground began to shake under me. Opening my eyes, I looked down to see all my markings glowing white. Then, the water suddenly rushed downwards, crushing me until it had sunk into the sand. I coughed up some of the water, brushing some of my soaking red hair from my face. I pushed myself to my feet and climbed up the side and up to where the grass was, immediately dropping to my knees in fatigue.

"Welcome, Artesia." An echoey voice spoke in front of me.

My head snapped up, locking eyes with a dragon, his scales were slightly transparent. My jaw dropped open. More dragons melted into view from behind him, with the same transparency.

"The ancestors..."


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