Chapter 5: "HaMphIRe mANsiOn"

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My room is small, its like a quarter of my bathroom size. Which means its really really small. Plus it doesnt have a bathroom. I think even normal poor people have a bath so.. how do they do that without a bathroom?

And then there's a hospital bed. those small ones with white linen. plus a small closet, a table and a chair.

Nanny Rose went ahead and arranged some stuff for me so im stuck by myself.

"I might as well just sleep and figure all these out tomorrow."

I threw my heels away, and aahh! that feeling of all day heels feet finally meeting the soft soft carpet. Then i dived into the bed, which once again was a bad idea cause man its one hard bed. Nonetheless i slept like any dead person would have been that night.

The next day nanny Rose woke me up and got me prepared. I did about half my morning routine. Because i couldnt afford to the other half of them

It went something like this.

Wake up (check) -- shower (no bathroom means no shower, no rose bath, no bathroom singing) -- change clothes (check) -- make up (no mirror) -- fix hair do (half check cause i dont have my iron with me)

ugh. the feeling of not being able to shower.

"Nanny, where do you shower in this place?"

"Oh that! You have to wait, there's a big bath house across the hallway but it only accomodates 5 people at a time. And since there's around 30 workers in this house, its either you wake up at 3am or just shower at night."

"Whaaat? But all the employees at our mansion had their own bathroom!"

"No honey they dont. The only ones with private bathrooms in your mansions are me before I resigned, Sasha, and others who are high ranked. The normal workers all share a room and bathroom."

I didnt know that. I better tell daddy to make more bathrooms for our households then.

On the way to the breakfast table i was toured on the house interior. In fairness, the place comes close to our mansion. Though of course my mansion is bigger (no bias). I saw their madame personally waiting to greet us, standing beside her was her husband.

“Welcome back Rose” says the madame, then she turned to me and said “you must be Rose’s niece.. may i ask your name?”

Woah there! BIG PANIC! Name? What name? Am I supposed to say my real name or make a fake name? Name, name, name, name, name, name...

“Aries. It’s Aries madame, you must forgive my niece she’s still not use to her environment.”

I sighed and gave nanny Rose a “Thank You nanny ROSE!!” kind of gesture.

“Aries, what a cute name.” She smiled. “I heard you came from the province, that’s okay take your time and adapt here in the city, you have all the time you need.” She looked at nanny then said “Rose, some new maids this morning are having trouble at the laundry area, do you mind checking on them?” 

“of course madame”

“come with me Aries and I’ll give you a tour around Hamphire”

 Woah, there house has a name!!

Maybe daddy can name the mansion after me!! Lily Mansion!

man that name sucks. And Rain mansion sounds to short.


The entire day was spent walking, running, standing and talking. Madame Hamphire showed me their entire mansion, which consist of Foyers, libraries, Gardens, Greenhouses, Attics, Workshops, Garages, Restaurant(since their dining room is too big), Saunas, Cinemas, Offices, Bar house, chapel, Kitchens and that doesn’t include the 30++ maid’s room plus a Suuper huge playground at the back that includes a the largest swimming pool I’ve ever seen next to the one’s on our mansion. (once again no bias).

"Your work starts tomorrow so good luck! Dont worry im not your stereotyped slave driver, and i know the place gets time getting used to" She smiled and joked. 

---End of 5th Party---

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