Chapter 10: "You aGaiN"

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“Damnit. You’re the root of all my miseries!!! Hate you!! Hate you! YOU JUSTIN BIEBER COPYCAT!” I shout at the top of my lungs.

“keep that up and I’ll give you more trouble”  

His voice startled me. I glared at his direction and he just laugh.

Why am I like this? The reasons are just M2M (too many to mention). It all started 2 days ago when he appointed me as his secretary “slash” Personal maid or more like Personal-Toy, even from the start I am sure he was up to no good!!

When you’re a secretary, you usually think of paper works, which I believe I can handle. I attended Saint Stephen High Academy after all, It’s the suuuuper cool school next only to Harvard University. But on my case, NO! Paper works are out of your league. I’ve been working under him for 48 hours and I HAVE NOT EVEN TOUCHED A PAPER!! All I’ve been doing are jobs that doesn’t even make any sense.


Order#1 First thing he ask me to do is wear a maid outfit.

At first I just stared at him, mouth open and gave him an “ARE U BLIND” look since I’m already wearing one. Then he took out a silver box, inside it was the MOST EMBARASSING DRESS ever!!! It was a black fluffy skirt with a white apron on top, backless, V-neck, long sleeves, engraved on it were different patterns in different sizes, It also comes with a pair of white long socks and some sort of white hair band. Completely different with one I’m wearing!

“What the hell is THAT??” I said while pointing at the dress.

“Can’t you see? It’s a maid uniform.” With an obvious tone, he also made me an ARE-U-AN-IDIOT look.

“duh! Of course it’s a uniform! What I’m saying is, you’re asking me to wear that??!”

“I’m not holding any other uniforms now, am I?”

“Not in a million years! There’s no way in hell am I going to wear that!! And i don’t see that as part of my job.”

“You’re my secretary aren’t you?? This dress is a sample. My company is going to sponsor a show called “KAICHO-WA-MAID-SAMA”, a Japanese series were as the lead girl is a maid cafe waitress. I need you to test it’s QUALITY.” He emphasized the word quality too make me understand, he’s teasing me. I’m sure of it.

After that you can guess what happen, I was forced to wear the embarrassing dress and had to do my chores around the mansion wearing it!! HORRIBLE right?? Akimi has been laughing at me none-stop since yesterday! "No matter how you look at it, that dress is expensive."

Geralene took weird pictures of me. Richel started a gossip and now the whole mansion is laughing at me! argh!!

Order#2 He ordered me to make a caramel-coke-milk-tea-rainbow-colored-drink that has to have the same taste as chocolate. CHOCOLATE!!! I’m a maid!! Not a scientist!! A scientist probably can’t even do that. YOU NEED TO BE A MAGICIAN TO ACCOMPLISH THAT!!

Order#3 He told me to iron he’s Ralph Lauren beige suit, which I burned and turned black. Don’t look at me like that!! It’s not my fault!! He knows I can’t Iron clothes! Yet he still gave me that job.


---End of 10th Party---

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