Chapter 9 :"It sTartEd wiTh BlAcKbeRRy"

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 It’s gone! The one thing that’s connecting me to Sasha is gone!!!

“What are you doing?” asks Nadine.

“ah, uhhh... nothing, just cleaning my things.”

Nadine raised an eyebrow. “cleaning? You call rummaging through your stuff cleaning?”

I’m actually bad at making excuses! hah, so typical of a self-proclaimed pampered girl. Im dead if somebody answers that phone.

Nadine eyed me... Should I ask for her help? If it was a normal phone it’d be fine.. BUT..that phone is a BLACKBERRY version xxx. It hasn’t even gone out of the market yet. She’d wonder on how I got that phone, ARGH!! stupid dad!! Why can’t you give me a normal phone!?

Nope, no asking of help. Find it yourself Lily. But what if I can’t..Make a decision...


 Akimi is nadine’s nickname, I sometimes call her that..if I remember.. mostly I don’t..

“akimi, can you keep a secret?”

 I told akimi everything. Or at least, some important stuff. I left out the surname Rain though and just stereotyped myself as rich.

“What are you doing here then?! Hurry up and find your phone!”

“you’re not angry?? I mean I didn’t tell you..”

"I kind of figured some of that days ago” she said while making a dismissive hand gesture.

“days ago?? How did you?”

 “You always talk to your PB late at night right?? I kinda overheard you a bit..”


“Your the MOST greatest FRIEND one can have!!”

 “I know, let’s go find your phone”

Akimi went to search at the lobby, I went to search at the bedrooms. I was starting to panic, I thought of telling nanny Rose but I’ll only get scolded so I didn’t bother.

“where could you have gone?” I say talking to myself.

 Suddenly JB dude’s voice came out of the speaker.

“May I asked Aries of Rose’ group to come immediately to my room.”

Here at Hamphire mansion, There’s about 50 of us housemaids. We were divided into different groups and me and akimi are in nanny Rose’ group.

I practically ran to JB dude’s room. There he greeted me and motioned me closer.

 “Starting from today, you are to be my personal maid “slash” personal secretary.” I looked at him gobsmacked “No complains” he added when he saw me opened my mouth. “You are to follow me wherever I go and take care of things related to me.”

Okay normally I would feel my heart skipped a beat. I mean this is like those in movies where there’s forbidden love with a maid and her master, but on my case, no! What about my phone? I can’t find my phone if I’m with him 24/7? And what’s his reason??

“No reason, in particular.” He says studying me..

okay, so he’s psychic now? He can my thoughts??

 “I’m also not psychic” He says while reading some document.

“your mysterious. Why me? There’s hundreds of other better maids there you know. You must be blind.”

 “yup. I know. Your pretty worthless-clumsy-useless and the only thing you can do is sew. You’re even famous in this mansion for being the first maid ever to turn the laundry area into a basketball court.”

I blushed. That happened about 5 days ago, I was boring with washing so many clothes that I started folding them into balls and throwing them into the washing machine. At first it was fine, then Akimi along with Richel, Geralene, Marella, Mitz.. everybody started doing it that we all got scolded by Lady Erin, who stands on top of the whole maid section, our leader in short.

“that was just for fun..I never meant to cause trouble.”

“no, no, no.. I’m not angry in fact when Carol was telling me that, she sound excited saying that ever since you came, the house has become livelier.”

I can’t help feeling a twinge of delight by how he said it. But still..

“I have to decline. I have no intention on becoming your personal maid or your secretary. Sorry.”

He looked at me with those black eyes that always creeps me out.

“Can I ask for the reason?”

“No reason at all sir.”

“hmm... I guess that means you can’t take the job? That’s too bad, sadly, you’re in no position to decline my offer.”

What?? No position??

“What do you mean?”

 “You see even though your actions means no harm, A maid is a maid, and you’re not doing your part very well, now if you want to show your worth, I suggest you take this job or I’ll have you fired.”

I am shocked. What’s with him?? He should be thankful, it’s because of me that everybody is excited when fixing the laundry. I’ll show him self-value!

 “FINE! I accept your offer, I’ll show you I can do paper works!”

He smiled then said “I’m looking forward to it.”

        ---End of 9th Party---

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