Chapter 12: "jEnnY cArmEn"

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          We walked in the huge corridor, the tiles are all pure gold, Dragons and flowers are all over the place. Paintings of fish, trees, dragons and horses fill the room. I heard from JB dude that the host of this party is pure Chinese, I guess that explains the dragons.

        “Aries, watch where you’re going.” He commanded


        He didn’t reply my sarcastic remark. Oh well.

        Most of the people here are famous businessmen, actors, actresses, models, politicians, diplomat, princes, princesses, Kings, Queens, presidents, earls, counts and other rich figures.

        75 percent of the people here are all familiar to me, there’s also a big big BIG chance that they know me!! eeep!!

        “Could you take that off?”

        “the mask? No way!  I told you, didn’t I? I have no make-up!” Even if that reason sucks.

        “I’ll just buy you one, LEE!!” he said while signaling someone over.

        “No! Heeey!!”

        “Buy her some make-up pronto.” He said, ignoring me.

        “What are you doing??” I scream.

        “You’re being disrespectful by putting that on, now take it off!”

        I can’t argue with that. I for one knows the rules of a ball, and I know what I’m doing is wrong. But still..

        “okay, I lied.” I said “It’s not that I don’t want to have make-up,  I just...”

        Think, Lily THINK!!

         “I have...uhh...make-up phobia!!”

         whatever works. okay?

        “you have what??” He said, suddenly interested.

        “make-up phobia, a phobia for make-up!”

        He studied me...

        “It’s true!” I shout “My cousin colored my face with face paint when I was about 7 years old and I looked like a disaster!! After that I get scared whenever someone touches or colors my face!!” I have no idea what I’m saying..but it looks like I’m convincing..I think..

        He laughed!! HE LAUGHED!! He can actually LAUGHED!!

        “What kind of reason is that??” he said while wiping his eyes and laughing and smiling. I dont think he believes me but. oh well at least thats done.


        my heart hurts. I think im sick.

        “It’s .... true...” I said, still staring at him and holding my chest.

        “You’re one funny girl.”

        Just then somebody disrupt our moment!

        “Ciel~” a girl came, she’s pretty.. Probably 3 or 4 years older than me. Her hair was mid-length blonde, with some brown streaks, curly at the end. Gray-eyes, a bit tan. She’s wearing a pink tube with a pretty beige shawl. She’s probably around 5’6’’ but since she’s wearing super high heels, I don’t know her real height.

        “Jenny” he called “It’s been a long time, hasn’t it?”

        “Yup, 2 years actually, I haven’t seen you since your parent’s Diamond anniversary!”


        They talked about stuff I don’t quite understand then as if just noticing me for the first time, she said “You’re with someone?”

        “uh..yeah, meet Aries, she’s my secretary”

        Secretary he says, I haven’t even done anything a secretary should be doing, personal toy more like.

        “Aries, This is Jenny Carmen, our fathers are best friends, Billiard buddies to be exact.”

        Billiard buddies? Well, my father plays billiard too so I guess that’s normal...

        “no no no no no! Ciel, how can you not say the most important thing!!? Here let me help you.”

        “Hi there, my name is Jenny Adelle Merci Carmen. My father is the CEO of New York’s top company, Merrie Merrie!” she said with a very high tone “It’s next only to Ciel’s company, Ala Centra.”

        Ala Centra, so that’s JB dude’s company, I’ve heard of that company before, it’s the company who manages to revive from bankruptcy in merely 5 months, 4 years ago.

        “I know what you’re thinking.” Says Jenny “You’re right! Ciel’s the one who revived His father’s company after getting that 1 Billion dollar debt!! Cool isn’t he? He became a legend after that incident.”

        I didn’t know the part that he revivied his father’s company, or the part that they got a 1 billion dollar debt.

         but i'll lose my face if i say that so.

        “Ah! “ Was all I could say.

       “Oh!! I almost forgot! His dad was really greatful to my dad, we helped rise them from the bottom afterall, As thank you, Ciel’s dad said they would grant us any wish!!”

        I really don’t care about all this but...

        “I told Ciel’s dad that I want a boyfriend and he gave me CIEL!!”

        dumb struked.

        I glanced at Ciel, he was drinking punch! How can he be drinking punch!!??!?

       “in short, I’m Ciel’s fiancé!!! Please to meet you!!” She showed me the biggest smile, and i suddenly want to faint.

        ---End of 12th Party---



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