02| my responsibility

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THE BLOOD splattered walls and crimson pools were not the most disturbing thing I could see in this nightmare. It was the single door with a silver knob and the voices behind it. It drew me closer with some unknown force and soon my hand was tightly around the knob, I swung the door open and -

"Elektra! Elektra!" I bolted up breathing heavily and look at my 13- year old sister, Claire. She was looking at me, concern reflecting in her blue eyes. "Are you ok?" She asks, Am I ok? I've been having these types of dreams since I was 11, so the truthful answer was no.

"Yeah I'm fine," I replied giving her a small smile. "Are you?" I added after noticing she was playing with her threaded bracelet I had made for her birthday, a sure sign she was nervous.

"No, I'm scared," I frowned pulling her to my lap, she was quite small for a 13- year old.

"Don't worry C, it won't be you," I reassured softly as I stroked her golden hair. I looked the most different out of my family, they all had blue eyes, I had dull brown. They had golden hair, I had dark brown, my best friend Iris, looked more like a part of the family than me. I brought my attention back to Claire, knowing what she was talking about. The reaping for the Hunger Games, the Capitol's favorite entertainment in the form of a blood sport.

If your name was picked, then you along with 23 other tributes would have to survive and kill until one is left and that would be the victor. I hardly doubt that being the lone survivor would be better than meeting your end in the arena. Even if you're back safe and with your family you'd be dreaming about the horrors and the families without a son or daughter.

"What if I do?" She asks her voice quivering, I rested my chin on her head,

" I won't let that happen," I promised and I knew that I would keep it. I looked over at the clock I had made, positives of being from District 5, it was nearly an hour and half till the Reaping.

"We have to get ready," I told her softly again, she nodded hugging me tightly. Once Claire let go she went to her room to get dressed, mom would likely do our hair.

I stripped jumping into the shower, the lukewarm water running down my skin. I closed my eyes, I wished the water was warmer, but I knew we were luckier than most in District 5. My father was a senior supervisor at one of the largest electricity generating factories in the district, so we were wealthier than most families. 

For some reason I had always loved the water, I loved to take a dive touching the sand beneath the ocean and floating against the waves. District 4 and 5 were partially separated by the sea, the rest being forest. The pipes squeaked as I turned the water off, I put on the black dress that mom had laid out for me the night before.  There was a quiet knock on the door "Come in!" I shouted.

"Morning," mom says giving me a soft smile, I looked at her through the reflection of my mirror. I smile in reply, even I was nervous too, but it's my fourth year I should be used to it. Our parents had made Claire and I train once we turned 11, but I doubted Claire would take a life if it came to it.

I stopped training after I turned fifteen, I didn't see why I should continue longer, I had three more years left. I was skilled in hand to hand as well as knives/ daggers and sword fighting as well. Claire used less weapons she would only use knives, most of the time she learnt snares and other survival methods. I'm pretty sure she has dangerous plants memorized.

Mom was elegantly piecing my hair together in a loose braid, she was quiet and even when upset she looked graceful. I had always wished for her beauty. She pulled the braid across my head and pinned it in place "Done, you look beautiful." She said. I glanced at  in front of the mirror, I then turned around embracing her in a tight hug.

"It's ok, you and Claire are going to be fine," her voice tried to comfort me, but it seemed like a reassurance for herself.


I walked with my best friend Iris, she too had gold wavy hair and dazzling blue eyes. She wore a blue dress, her hair loose.

"Are you ready?" She asked her voice holding a hint of humor which made me smile.

"Of course, you?"

"I was born ready bitch," she scoffed, I laughed at her, sure deep down I could tell she was nervous, but Iris wouldn't admit that.

"Actually you were born-" she made a face cutting me off.

"Please no gross details," She said, we both laughed.  And that was one of the moments I realized how much she made everything better. We stood at the middle end section with all the other 17- year old girls. I tried looking around for Claire, but I couldn't see her.

"Happy Hunger Games! And may the odds be ever in your favor!" I glanced at Iris, she rolled her eyes at our Escort Layra. Layra wore a bright pink dress which had butterflies attached and bright blue eye shadow, I will never get Capitol fashion.

"Ladies first!" She spoke energetically, how could she find joy sending people to their deaths? Her hand danced inside the bowl before pulling out a single fold of paper. Iris and I exchanged looks as we gripped eachothers hands' nervously. Layra smiled before speaking out the name, I closed my eyes in anticipation.

"Claire Cadence."

My heart stopped beating, for a second or two I am sure it had stopped. I couldn't breath, it felt as if my heart had been ripped apart. I searched for Claire through the crowd, people walked to the sides to give way for Claire. Iris' hand fell out of mine as I made my way to the edge, I walked across the path towards Clair when the Peacekeeper blocked me. I grabbed his head bringing it down to my knee. He backed away a little disorientated "Claire!" I shouted.

This time there were three blocking the way "Elektra!" Claire shouted, she was vulnerable, she was too young. She didn't deserve to be here. She's my responsibility, I'm her older sister.

I must protect my own.

"I volunteer! I volunteer!" I shout frantically, Claire shouts no, but I try to keep myself leveled. I take a deep breath, feeling everyone's stare.

"I volunteer as tribute."

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