Chapter 4

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Pinetree’s POV

I throw the door open to my room and drop onto my bed, staring up at the ceiling. I start to identify the constellations as someone opens the door.

    “Hey Dipper…”

I look up to see Shooting Star standing in my doorway. She has a look on her face that suggests a form of remorse.

    “I told you not to call me that.” I grumble. I sit up as she invites herself in and sits at my desk.

    “...I made a deal with Bill,” She mumbles in an ashamed way.


I look at her, my expression not wavering. She looks distraught.

    “ you know how old we are?”

    “Shooting Star, we're 17, I lost my memory, not my mind.” I roll my eyes at her, and summon one of my journals that I have been writing in.

    “...” She looks back at her hands, trying to think of something to say.

Mabel POV

Why is it so difficult to talk to my own brother?! I sigh as he sits there and ignores me, writing something down in his little book. It looks a lot like Grunkle Ford's Journals, except that Dipper’s is blue, and his has a silver pinetree drawn on it. I smile at him.

    “Whatcha writing about Dipdop?” I grin at him. I get a side glance in return.

    “Things that you probably either wouldn't understand, or would traumatize you.” He sits up more, and sets his hat over on the side, hanging it from the bedpost.

His hair falls out from under his hat, revealing that it has grown out to his shoulders, probably because no one in their right mind would ever let Bill near a pair of scissors. He has his overgrown bangs brushed apart, showing off his birthmark.

    “It’s impolite to stare Shooting Star.” He pulls me out of my thoughts with the comment, not bothering to look up from his position.

    “I was just noting that you look different, that’s all.”

    “People tend to after 5 years...except for you, now that I notice.”

He was right, I wore the same clothes, kept my hair the same length, the only thing that changed is that I don’t have braces anymore, and naturally, I grew a bit taller.

    “Pinetree!!” I look up, seeing a giant female looking...thing...with one eye, and doused in more than enough pink for a lifetime. Dipper looks up at her, and grins.

    “Hey Py, what are you up to?” Dipper hops up, walking over to her.

    “Keyhole and I were planning on destroying the rest of downtown, I wanted to see if you’re up to it?” She looks at me dead on, a grin growing wider. “Bill told me of your human problem...we should take it with us.”

    “ the very least she can be used as leverage if we run into any survivors on that end of town. Fine, Shooting Star?” He turns to me, before pulling me up “Consider this as a bonding moment.” He walks out of the room, ‘Py’ as he called her follows after. I take a pause for a moment, and follow after.

Pinetree POV

    Keyhole and 8-Ball were waiting outside when Py, Shooting Star and I got there. They didn't question me about the new human, which leads me to believe that they knew about her deal already.

I can't fix you (Working Title) (Gravity Falls FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now