Chapter 5

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Pinetree's POV

I yawn loudly, stretching out my back. Despite the fact that I'm not technically human, I still need to sleep, just not as much of it. I pull my hat back onto my head and walk out into the main part of the fearamid. "Hey Bill!" I call out to him as I walk past the throne of human statues, frowning when I get no reply. I sit down next to the throne, leaning against it quietly. I perk up when I hear someone yelling. I pull myself up off the floor as 8-ball and Hectorgon carry in a chubby creature with white hair on it's head.

"LET GO OF ME YOU HEATHENS!!" He screams in a deep southern accent, thrashing his body in an attempt to escape. He finally looks at me, freezing in place.

"Dipper Pines." He stares at me in shock.

"Why does everyone call me that?" I frown at them, walking over. "Why is he here 8-ball?"

"Trying to break into the fearamid, we caught him."

"Dipper Pines you listen to me! If you don't make them let me go right now!" I look at the thing, and grab his collar, the others letting him go as I lift him up to eye level.

"Now, why would I do something stupid like that?" I growl at him. "Find Bill and tell him we caught...what is your name?"

"You don't remember it?! It is Gideon Gleeful, and you will regret doing this!"

"...Right, Tell Bill that we have captured a Gideon trying to break into the fearamid, and that I'm handling the punishment on this one." They look between each other, before nodding and running off.

"What do you think you doing-"
"My god, will you stop talking, your voice is grating." I walk further into the fearamid, carrying him along past my room, when a door opens behind me.

"Dipper?? What are you doing to him? Gideon why are you here??" I turn to Shooting Star, who looked panicked.

"Sugar Plum!" I look at him when he said that, then it clicked.

"Oh. I see what's going on here." My voice turns dark, looking at Shooting Star. "God, you never change, do you?"

"Dipper? What do you mean by that??" She stares at me in a concerned way, her eyes wider than humanly possible. I ignore her question and turn back to Gideon.

"Don't worry Shooting Star, I won't kill your little pet." I spit the remark out, before continuing on my way. I hear a shocked noise come from her mouth and she follows after me, trying to get me to let him go.


I pause for a brief second, looking confused. "That's a new one."

"Dipper please! He hasn't done anything wrong let him go!" She grabs my shoulder and spins me around to face her. I take a deep breath.

"One, he did, in fact, do something wrong, he was trying to break into the fearamid. Probably to save you. Two, even if he didn't, I still wouldn't let him go. And three, Will you quit squirming??" I look at Gideon, who was back to kicking and thrashing about.

"PINETREE, DID YA MISS ME? ADMIT IT, YOU MISSED ME." I look up to see Bill and I smile a little, rolling my eyes.

"Sure, NOW you show up." Shooting Star tries to hide behind me and Gideon makes some sort of high pitched screeching noise. I roll my eyes again. "Where were you when I wanted to talk earlier?" I smirk a little.

"AH, YOU KNOW HOW IT IS, TERRORIZING THE UNIVERSE AND ALL, IT TAKES SOME TIME." He beams to me, making eye contact with Gideon.

"WELL WELL WELL, WHAT DO WE HAVE HERE?" He holds his hand out, and I place him in his hand, Shooting Star trying to get me to not. He examines him. "WHY IF IT ISN'T LITTLE GIDEON! LET ME GUESS, STILL STALKING SHOOTING STAR OVER HERE?" He laughs, tossing him around in his hands. "YOU KNOW, I COULD HAVE YOU KILLED OR WORSE FOR TRYING TO BREAK IN. NOT TO MENTION WHAT PINETREE WOULD HAVE DONE TO YA. BUT YOU KNOW WHAT, I'M IN A GOOD MOOD TODAY, SO I'M GOING TO CUT YOU SOME SLACK." A cage appears around Gideon, causing him to panic.

"OH GOD NO PLEASE NOT THAT AGAIN." I listen to his mind a bit to know what he was talking about and I can't help but snicker. I wasn't aware dancing was a form of torture. She stares at me in shock, hitting my arm with her sweater sleeve.

"What Shooting Star?"
"You shouldn't be laughing at him! He's scared!" She quietly snaps at me. I frown at her, unamused.

"So? Why should him being scared keep me from finding something funny?" I turn to face her. Gideon's scream pulls us from our brief argument and Shooting Star grabs my arm, shaking it.

"Dipper, help him!" She practically shouts into my ear. I pull myself away from her.

"Why? I mean, I don't know who he is, and what I've seen, I really don't like him, why should I help him?"

"Do you have no heart? No sense of morality?! Seriously Dipper, you would listen to someone be tortured and do nothing about it? He's a living being, a person, and you won't even give him the light of day! What on earth is wrong with you?!" I stare at her in shock, surprised at the coldness in her tone. She glares at me for a moment, before her expression softens, fear piercing her eyes. "D-Dipper, I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that, I was just so angry, and I know that must have been hurtful-"

"You realize that you've not even tried to help him, right?" Her eyes go wide with that, my voice lacking in any emotion of infliction with it. "You're complaining about me not having a heart and not going to help him, but all you've done is try and get me to do it for you. If you really are a...beacon of morality like you're acting like you are, you would have tried to do something, try to save him yourself." I look up at Bill, who was still busy doing something to Gideon, then back at her. "And don't apologize for speaking your mind. I can read it anyway." Bill turns back to us both, immediately sensing the tension between us.

"WELL, I'M DONE WITH IT, HERE YOU GO SHOOTING STAR! HAVE FUN WITH YOUR LITTLE PET! PINETREE AND I HAVE SOME IMPORTANT BUSINESS TO ATTEND TO." I nod, walking over to him as Shooting Star freaks out over her boyfriend's injuries. She should be thankful Bill didn't kill him or worse. We walk into the main room, Bill sitting on his throne, and I sit on the floor beside it. The others offered to have the eyebats catch the gnomes and make them into a stone throne for me, but I declined.

"So what was that about Pinetree?" I look up to see Bill watching me, his eye furrowing a bit.

"What, the fight? Ah, it was nothing, you know how meatsacks are, overly emotional and not too bright." He laughs at my attitude and settles back into his throne. "So, what were you up to this morning? Normally you don't leave the fearamid without telling me."

"I had to visit an old friend of mine, it was short notice, and you were asleep, didn't want to interrupt it." He waves his hand in the air, summoning a drink for himself and a Pitt Cola for me. He tosses mine down, and drinks with his eye again. I laugh a bit, making him pause. "Something funny Pinetree?"

"It's been 5 years and I'm still not use to the way you drink." I pop my own drink open, it spewing a bit.

"It's not that funny." He rolls his eye, but chuckles under his breath, looking back over the throne room. We talk over things for a while, sharing a good laugh and shirking our responsibilities for the rest of the afternoon.

"Did you really give the kid a pile of deer teeth?" I smirk up at him, having moved to the arm of the throne so we could talk easier.

"Of course I did, why wouldn't I?"

"You're insane Bill." I smile fondly, chuckling a bit.

"Sure I am, what's your point?" I roll my eyes but grin. "Well, I got some errands to run, and remember, REALITY IS AN ILLUSION THE UNIVERSE IS A HOLOGRAM-"

"Buy gold, Bye Bill!" I finish for him as he goes and does whatever he does, and I hop down, walking back to my room in silence.  

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