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"You know what, I think I'll just kill one of them for the heck of it!"

"Eenie" Bill's eye flashes to the Pine tree symbol, glowing red as the twins struggle to escape.

"Meenie" Both twins turn around in his hand as it switches to the Shooting Star, staring up at him in fear.

"Miney" They gasp, the eye back to the Pine Tree.

"You!" It lands firmly on the Shooting star, sending Dipper into a panic, looking at his sister.

"WAIT!" Dipper cries out, looking at Bill with desperation in his voice and eyes. "Please, don't kill her...let's..." He looks at Ford, who was trying to tell him not to go through with it, then back at Bill "Let's make a deal."

"A deal?" Bill's eye shifted back to normal, if he had a mouth, he would definitely be grinning. "What is it??"

"I-I'll let you into my mind, I'll let you get the information on how to make Weirdmageddon global, in return that you don't hurt or kill my friends, or my family. What do you say?" He closes his eyes tightly, taking a deep and shaky breath.

"DIPPER, BRO BRO DON'T DO THIS!!" Mabel cries out to him, now placed onto the ground, her grunkles have joined in trying to get Dipper to not make this deal.

"Hmm, you know what kid, I ACCEPT!" Both of them shake hands, Bill entering Dipper's mind. Dipper opens his eyes, seeing a gray landscape of his home in Piedmont, then seeing Bill standing there in a human form, which confused Dipper.

"Aren' going to go around, and find the answer to your dilemma?" Dipper walks up to him.

"You must really think I'm an idiot, don't you Pine-Tree?" Bill smirks, laughing in this form. "I knew you didn't have the answer, and I also know that your family, or at least, Ford, is going to shoot you with his 'Mind Erasing' gun, in a hope to kill me off, and the only collateral damage is your memory. What they, and consequently, you don't know, is that the gun isn't going to kill me."

"I-It's not?" Dipper glances at him, now scared, Ford was hardly ever wrong, and he said that it would work!

"Sorry kid, but the only thing it will do is weaken me a bit, and send me back to the Nightmare realm, so I can regain my power." Bill places his hand on Dipper's shoulder "But there is one thing that I think is a benefit for both of us, well, mostly me." Bill's form grins widely, as everything erupts in a pale blue flame, showing that they have fired the gun at Dipper.

"What is that??" Dipper spits out, angry, but now worried, what could he possibly gain from this.

Bill smirks, leaning in close to Dipper. "You can still pay your end of the deal" Dipper's expression dropped once Bill released that little bit of information. Everything was burning around them, and Dipper sighs, sad, but thinking.

"But, as long as I'm with you, our deal still stands?" Dipper looks at him, hopeful that this would be the case, and surprised when that was.

"You can be used as a bargaining chip to get the information from Ford when the time comes, so...yes. Our deal, though delayed on your part, still stands." Bill admits to Dipper as nothing else lasts but the fire, Dipper nods.

"Alright, to keep my family safe." Dipper agrees as both of them fade away, Dipper sighed as Bill still held onto his shoulder, feeling himself be torn away from himself.

Dipper's POV

"Ugh..." my eyes shoot around the darkened world, where everything seemed to be, chaotic, but in a peaceful way. Nothing looks right, that's for sure, but nothing weird...was going on, at least at the moment. I pull myself off of the ground, stumbling forward. The light coming from the burnt red sky wasn't much help for navigation, but it did make me thankful that it wasn't night time in this, odd landscape.

I can't fix you (Working Title) (Gravity Falls FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now