Chapter 26

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Nick's POV

I walk out on the balcony and see Mallory standing outside still wearing her outfit from dinner the breeze was blowing her hair back from her face she looked beautiful I walk over and she looks up at me. "Good news for Brian right?" I nod "Yeah I'm happy for him I think he will be a good dad." She nods then look out at the lights of Dallas I reach over and hold her hand "Do you remember the night I asked you about kids?" She nods "Yeah I remember." I take a deep breath then try to think of how I want to bring this up because I wanted to talk about our chance for us to have that one day. "Can you see a future with me? I know the touring and stuff can be hectic but I can picture having a life a future and family with you I need to know how you feel." She turns around and looks up at me then puts her hand on the side of my face. "I love you Nick Carter, I think that you are amazing I can see myself with you I want that too but touring or not I'm just happy to be home with you in Nashville one day when the time is right we will have a family." I kiss her head then wrap my arms around her she wanted what I did there was a chance of us having a future together and I wanted it.

Mallory's POV

I walk out of the bathroom drying my hair I look up and see Nick stretched out on the bed wearing a pair of black boxers he looked good now would be a good time to get back at him for the stunt during dinner. I throw the towel in the bathroom walk over to the bed and get on top of him he looks up at me I lean down and kiss him he kisses back and his arms go around my waist I start kissing down his neck he tilts his head back then I kiss down his throat and continue moving down his chest. His hands go through my hair I kiss down his stomach then stop right above his boxers then look up at him he meets my eyes "Mal please." "Please what?" I tug on the band of his boxers "Touch me, ride me, do something." I nod then pull off my tank top Nick sits up and starts kissing down my neck I close my eyes and grab his hair. He continues kissing down my neck then takes my breasts in his hands he starts pulling and tugging at one while his mouth goes to the other I moan when I feel his teeth tug at the sensitive tip. Nick rolls over to where he's on top of me he pulls off my shorts then looks at me and kisses me I kiss back and run my fingers down his stomach and start pulling his boxers down he pulls them off and throws them in the floor. He pushes my legs apart then slowly enters me when he speeds I moan and arch my back.


I wake up to a loud moaning and the sound of a bed hitting a wall I look over at Rochelle who's laying there awake too I sit up and yawn then we walk outside to the hallway I stop when I see everyone else already standing outside of their rooms. I look over Brian and Leigh Anne "I thought that was the two of you celebrating." Brian shakes his head "Guess again." I look around it was Nick and Mallory making all the noise I roll me eyes then look at Howie who has his head against the wall "We have a show tomorrow night not to mention rehearsal and sound check tomorrow please make them stop." Our conversation is cut off my Nick's voice "Oh God Mal." Then we hear Mallory. "Harder Nick." I cringe "Do we have to listen to this?" Kevin shrugs "Any suggestions?" The noise continues then a little while later it stops Howie looks up "Thank God it stopped those two were going at it for hours." We all go back to our rooms Rochelle and I get back in bed I roll over and start to go back to sleep until I hear another moan. I let out a groan then grab a pillow put it over my head then try to go to sleep.

Kevin's POV

I wake up the next morning to silence no moaning or a bed hitting the wall after getting woke up last night I could handle sleeping in since we had a lot to do today. I was really happy for Nick and I was glad that he found someone that made him happy but I had known him since he was a little kid I watched him grow up date and all kinds of stuff but the one thing I didn't want to know was about his sex life and I didn't want to hear it especially the night before we had a show. I yawn then roll over and wrap my arms around Kristen she curls up next to me and lays on my chest we had awhile before we had to do anything this afternoon so I was going to catch up on my sleep I yawn then a few minutes later I fall asleep.

Mallory's POV

I stretch then wake up and the first thing I see when I wake up is Nick's blue eyes he looks at me and smiles "Good morning." I smile back "Morning." Nick takes my hand then starts kissing down my wrist. I look up at him and run my fingers through his hair his fingers run up and down my arm "Last night was pretty fun right." I laugh "It was a lot of fun." I kiss him and wrap my arms around his neck he kisses back then gets on top of me and starts kissing down my neck I run my fingers down his tattoos and start tracing his tattoos he looks down at me and starts watching me. "Mal?" "Yeah?" "I love you." I knew that Nick loved me he had shown it and proved it plus he always took the time to let me know that he did but I knew he really meant what he was saying I kiss him. "I love you too Nick." I know he wanted a future together and maybe we would have that but for now I was glad I decided to come back and give him another chance.

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