Chapter 40

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Kevin's POV

It had been almost a week since the last time I heard from Mallory and I was a little worried about her since she was pregnant. I pull out my phone find her number then call her and wait on her to answer it takes a few minutes but then I hear her voice "Hello Kevin." I smile to myself "Hey Mal how's everything going?" I hear her take a deep breath then she goes silent for a few minutes. "Everything is going great we find out what we are having in two weeks. I moved back in things are good between me and Nick." That was great news I was happy that her and the baby were doing well I couldn't wait to find out if her and Nick were going to have a son or daughter most of all I was happy the two of them managed to work everything out and get back together I knew she was great for Nick and I knew they were good together. "That's great Mal I'm really happy for you the two of you will be great parents." "Thanks Kev for everything I couldn't have made it without you." "Anytime Mal." I was happy to do everything I did because that's what friends did for each other.

Howie's POV

When my phone starts ringing I walk away from the pasta that's going on the stove then I answer. "Hello?" "Hey Howie how's it going?" It was Nick and he sounded very happy about something which was a good thing he sounded a lot better than the last time I talked to him. "It's going good you sound like you're in a really good mood." "I'm great I was wondering if you and Leigh didn't have anything planned if the two of you would come up to Nashville for a visit?" I hadn't seen Nick's house in Nashville none of us have so it would be a good trip plus it would mean seeing Mallory again she kept in touch like she said she would but I hadn't seen her since the day she left, Leigh talked about how much she missed talking to Mal so a trip wouldn't be a bad idea. "Sure I'll talk to Leigh and we will come up there one-day next week or the week after." "Thanks Howie see you soon." "You're welcome Nick." I hang up then go back to the kitchen a trip to Nashville would be a lot of fun.


I look down and see Nick calling me I had been really hard on him after he cheated on Mal and things were starting to get back to normal he was like a brother to me so I couldn't stay mad at him forever. I answer "Hey Nick how are things in the country music capitol?" "Things are really good do you and Ro have anything planned for the next few weeks?" I didn't think we had any plans and as far as I knew we didn't. "No we don't have any plans what's up Nick?" "Great I was wondering if the two of you would come down to Nashville for a visit next week or the week after?" Since he moved there we haven't visited and he hadn't invited us so I wondered what was going on. "What's going on are you okay?" "Yes I'm fine AJ I just want you to come down and see the house since you haven't seen it yet." I wasn't really sure because it definitely felt like he was up to something but I couldn't figure out what it was. "What's happening in Nashville?" "Nothing will the two of you please come?" "Yeah we will be there." This would drive me crazy for the next week or two I wouldn't stop trying to figure out what was going on

Brian's POV

I sit in a chair in the nursery and look down at Baylee sleeping in my arms I was amazed at him even at a few months I thought he was amazing. I look up when Leigh Anne walks in the nursery she smiles when she walks over and sees Bayle sleeping she looks at me "Nick called a few minutes ago." I hadn't heard from him in a while so I wondered what was going on. "What did Nick want?" He has invited us to come down to Nashville for a visit he said that everyone was coming all he had to do was as Kevin he said he had some good news he wanted to tell everyone." That was interesting I wondered what his good news was the last I heard he was single because of something that happened between him and Mallory and it didn't end so well. "Do you think we should go?" She nods "Baylee is old enough to travel plus we haven't had the chance to see his house since he moved to Nashville I think it would be a good trip." A trip wouldn't be so bad plus Nick loved kids and I wanted to know what his good news was.

Mallory's POV

Nick walks in the living room and lays on the couch with me he wraps his arms around my waist then lays his head against my stomach. I run my fingers through his hair and look down at him "You've been busy I haven't seen you for hours what have you been up to?" He looks up at me with a smile on his face and I can tell that he's been up to something for most of the day. "I've been calling the guys all day I invited them to come visit with us so we can tell them about the baby and what we are having and they all said they would come see us." I haven't seen any of them in a while we were really close Kevin was like the older brother I never had I always wanted a brother and the more I got to know them I had gained four. "Sounds like we are going to have a full house and the baby isn't even here yet." Nick smiles then puts his hand over my bump I was now at five months and I was starting to get bigger. "Should we be picking out names?" I knew that Nick was really excited about being a dad but I thought it was early. "Let's find out what we are having first."

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