Chapter 38

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Nick's POV

It takes a while for me to get everything done when I move back to Nashville it was clear that Mallory had moved out of the house and her house had a real estate sign out in front of it. During the first few days I grow my facial hair out because I knew that she liked the way the stubble felt against her skin I think about buying her house but I decide against it because I really hoped that she would move back in with me if I could get her to forgive me for what I did months ago. I clean my entire house top to bottom because I wanted it to look nice for when she came back I felt terrible for what I did it was a huge mistake and I had been really stupid to give up something great and someone like Mal there weren't a lot of people in the world like her and I was lucky I just didn't see how lucky I was at the time. If she did forgive me I would do whatever it took to shower her that I loved her and I would spend the rest of my life trying to make up for how much I had hurt her.

Mallory's POV

I look up when the door to the restaurant opens only to see Nick walking in he was the last person I wanted to see I was shocked I wanted to run and hide but I couldn't I take a deep breath and decide to play it cool. I walk over to him then meet his eyes "Table or booth?" He looks at me and I can tell that he's surprised to see me too. "Uh booth." I show him to an open booth he sits down then grabs my wrist "Mal please we really need to talk." He was right we didn't need to talk but he probably had a different reason for it than I did Kevin had been right Nick really should know about the baby but now wasn't the place to tell him. I pull my wrist away then look at him "I'm sorry but that's not possible." I write a little note in my notepad then write when my shift ends and I lay it on the table in front of him then walk away if he would stay we could talk later. In the meantime, it meant I had four hours to come up with a way to tell Nick I was pregnant.

Nick's POV

I stand outside and wait until the sun sets Mal's note said that she got off work at five so she should be out any minute. I knew that Mallory had a teaching degree so I couldn't understand why she was working in a restaurant I look up and see her walking toward me in jeans and a shirt she looked great but there was something different about her I just couldn't figure out what it was. She looks up at me "Hello Nick." "Hey Mal." She sighs then looks back at me "I guess we should talk." We walk down the street to the park and the two of us sit down on a bench I look over at her then take a deep breath. "I am so sorry for what I did to you that day I wasn't thinking I did something really stupid I never meant to hurt you I still loved you I hope that you will forgive me. I've missed you and all the small simple things that we would do together I want that life I want you will you please give me a second chance?" I wait for her to answer then she turns her head and starts throwing up. I stand behind her and hold her hair back from her face as she continues I start rubbing her back "Are you okay Mal?" She takes a deep breath then looks at me. "I'm pregnant Nick." I couldn't believe it I was shocked I was really happy I was thrilled actually. I take her hand and she doesn't pull away from me this time "Please come back home with me. I really do love you I want to take care of you and make sure that you have what you need. I want to be there for you and our baby."

Mallory's POV

I wasn't entirely sure about moving back in with Nick or even giving him a second chance but I knew that I needed to try and trust him. I pack my stuff but Nick doesn't let me carry anything to his car I knew that I was pregnant but I had managed this far without him so I was capable of handling everything myself I open the back for the dogs and they jump in I shut it then get in the car and we start the drive back to Nick's house I prop my head on my arm and look out the window. "I know you're mad at me Mal right now you have every reason in the world to hate me and if you do I understand that but I will do everything I can to make things right I really want a second chance." I sigh then turn and look at Nick for the first time since we started the drive. "I gave up a lot to go with you on tour, I moved in with you then went with you to support you I loved you then for some reason that just happened you cheated on me I can't just forgive you right away." Nik nods then the rest of the drive to Nick's house is spent in silence.

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