Chapter 61

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Mallory's POV

After the twelve hours flight we arrive in Santorini, Greece we get everything settled in the house then we go for a walk on the beach. It felt good to move around and stretch after the long flight I look out at the beach during the sunset Nick reaches over and holds my hand I look over at him he stops then wraps his arms around my waist and looks at me. "I love you and I'm happy that I made the decision to move to Nashville it's something that I'm never going to regret, meeting you and having Jack it was the best thing that ever happened to me." I wrap my arms around his neck then look up at him. "I love you too I don't know what I would do without you." He kisses my head then we go back to walking I know that ick and I needed the time alone to be a couple which was why we had chosen to be here in Greece for two weeks. We had only been here a few hours but I already missed Jack but with the time difference he was probably sleeping we would have to face time later.

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Nick's POV

After a peaceful night of sleeping to rest from the flight and from the chaos with the wedding it was good to just sleep. I wake up early the next morning and get some directions to a grocery store nearby it wouldn't hurt to keep some food on hand at the house I was hoping for a lot of time inside especially in the bedroom hopefully we would get to that part of our honeymoon today leave Mallory a note in case she wakes up while I'm gone. When I get to the store I walk around and get some ingredients for us to have breakfast then I get enough for lunch and dinner for a few days after I finish at the store I put everything in the car I had rented then get in and drive back. It's quiet when I walk in so Mallory must still be asleep I put everything away then start breakfast I couldn't wait to be alone with Mal these next two weeks.

Mallory's POV

I wake up and get dressed in a skull shirt and a pair of shorts I stop then take a deep breath Nick was making breakfast I walk out of the bedroom then go to the kitchen. He looks up when I walk in the room he walks over to me and wraps his arms around my waist "Good Morning Mrs. Carter." I had to admit I liked the sound of that I wrap my arms around his neck. "Good morning." He kisses me then pulls me against him I kiss back then a rumbling noise breaks the silence I pull away then look at him with a smile on my face. "I think now would be a good time for breakfast you sound like you're hungry." He looks at me then pouts "I don't want food I want you." I laugh at his expression and his words I wanted him too but we had two weeks so there was plenty of time for us to do that. "Eat we still have two weeks it will be okay." He nods then the two of us sit down and have breakfast.

Nick's POV

I look at Mal as she walks out of the bathroom from brushing her teeth after breakfast she walks over and I run my hands down her waist. She kisses me then wraps her arms around my neck I kiss back then pick her up and lay her back on the bed I kiss down her neck her fingers go under my shirt I pull away then pull it off and throw it across the room. I grab her shirt then pull it over her head and start kissing down her throat then continue until I reach her breasts I run my fingertips over the tan and black material with a bow in the center I pull the cups down then take her breasts in my hands I start pulling and pinching at the sensitive tips and feel them harden under my touch. I lower my head then slowly take one in my mouth I look up when Mal pulls my hair hard then lets out a small whine I get her shorts and pull them off then toss them over my shoulder her fingers slowly trail down my stomach then she unbuttons and unzips my jeans then slides them off me into the floor. She unhooks her bra then takes it off I push her back on the bed then get on top of her I look down at her then kiss her and bite down on her lip she moans and I feel her nails dig into my shoulders I pull away then get rid of my boxers and her panties. I slide into her and start slow her moaning grows louder "Nick harder please." I nod then do what she asks because her pleasure was important to me.

Mallory's POV

I lay against the pillow panting softly Nick looks at me then puts one of his arms around me I run my fingers through his hair and we slip into a comfortable silence. He looks up at me with a smile on his face "I think we worked off breakfast?" I laugh "Yeah I'll say four times definitely counts as a work out I think you can skip the gym today." He nods then lays his head against my stomach I sigh and trace the tattoos on his back and shoulders. I start thinking to myself I was married to Nick Carter that was something I never thought would happen I loved him I knew that I wanted to be with him we had gone through a lot to get here but I knew that some of the fans weren't always friendly toward the wives so I hoped I could handle any hate that I received. I look back down at Nick and see him sleeping still using me as a pillow I wouldn't be moving for a while so I might as well get comfortable.


About four days after the wedding Nick and Mallory start posting on social media again Nick puts pictures on Facebook and Instagram plus a lot of time on twitter, Mallory doesn't post as much but she does post a few things on Facebook and Twitter you could tell they were having a great time the pictures were of each other talking about how much they loved each other or they would talk about being husband and wife, a few pictures of the sunset and sunrise plus some of the food they tried they were in full honeymoon phase. I was happy for Nick and I was glad that he had found someone like Mallory who loved him for who he was they were a great couple and great parents to Jack they would have a good life together. I was looking forward to when they came back home though because it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out the four days of silence I knew exactly what they had been doing and I was going to have a lot of fun with them.

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