Three Months Before

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Benjamin was outside smoking a cigarette while Abby set up the board game in the living room and pretended not to notice.

Sarah was in her room hoping they would forget she existed.

Charlie and Maya were in the kitchen taking the last batch of cookies out of the oven.

Nick was on his way from his house, but he was running late.

"Hey honey." Abby kissed Benjamin on the cheek once he walked back inside.

"Hey." His tone was flat as he barely stopped for her kiss before heading to the kitchen.

"How did you burn these?" Charlie laughed as Maya pulled the tray out of the oven.

"How can I cook three course meals and not chocolate chip cookies?" Maya laughed so hard Charlie worried the tray might slip from her hands.

"They're just crispy." Benjamin walked in with a lazy smile.

Sarah, hearing all the commotion downstairs, became curious. She tiptoed down the steps as quietly as she could and peeked around the corner into the kitchen.

She rolled her eyes at the burnt cookies. Maya was a chef and always tried to overdo it when cooking the simplest things.

"That's a nice dress." Benjamin looked Charlie up and down.

"Thanks." She smiled and straightened herself up from the counter she was leaning on.

Sarah noticed that after Charlie walked away to help Maya put the cookies on the tray, Benjamin's gaze lingered on Charlie's bare legs. Pig.

"Hello!" Nick busted through the front door and shouted for everyone to hear.

Sarah, getting startled, tried to run back up the stairs but tripped and tumbled down the last few steps.

"What was that?" Charlie asked from the kitchen.

"Did someone fall?" Maya followed Charlie out of the kitchen and found Nick helping Sarah up from the ground.

"I'm fine, guys. Stop overreacting." Sarah let go of Nick's hand as soon as she was on her own two feet. She was blushing.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Nick knew falling down the stairs could hurt. Charlie had pushed him down some once.

"I'm fine!" Sarah raised her arms, exasperated.

"The game is ready!" Abby rounded the corner with a big smile on her face to see everyone just standing around awkwardly.

"I'll grab the cookies!" Charlie escaped the group and ran back into the kitchen.

Benjamin followed Abby back in to the living room and Maya stood with Sarah until Nick got the hint and went into the kitchen.

"What?" Sarah put her hands on her hips and looked at Maya.

"We've put up with your attitude for long enough, Sarah. It's time to grow up." Maya was annoyed that Sarah had been avoiding everyone and having a short temper whenever anything upset her.

"Me? Grow up? You're the one who couldn't keep a simple secret." Sarah glared.

In the kitchen, Nick and Charlie tried not to listen to the heated conversation taking place a short ways away.

"You're mad because I told Charlie you liked Nick?" Mays's jaw dropped.

"Yes! She's been doing everything she can to get him and I alone." Sarah had come home a few times to Nick and Charlie hanging out, and then Charlie mysteriously disappearing to leave Nick and her alone.

"She just wants you guys to talk. Nobody likes that you're breaking up the group because of a stupid crush." Maya raised her voice to match Sarah's.

"Nobody likes that you always have to control every situation that has nothing to do with you!" Sarah screamed and her voice cracked.

"Game time!" Charlie and Nick ran through the heated air between Sarah and Maya.

After a few seconds of glaring, Maya left Sarah at the stairs.

Abby and Benjamin where giggling and whispering next to the board when Charlie and Nick walked in with the cookies.

"They're coming." Nick said politely referring to Maya and Sarah. He hoped they were both coming. He didn't like not having everyone together.

"Are we doing partners again?" Maya strolled in with a fake smile.

"No." Sarah said behind her while everyone else in the living room said 'yes'.

"I have an idea!" Charlie stood while everyone else sat down around the board. "Maya and Nick can be partners, Abby and Sarah the second pair, and Benjamin and I as the third."

"Works for me!" Nick, trying to keep things light scooted over to Maya.

"Just like the old days!" Abby kissed Benjamin on the cheek before crawling next to Sarah.

"There. Now let's play." Charlie stuck a cookie into her mouth and plopped down next to Benjamin. "We'll go first."


"That was fun." Charlie laughed as she walked Nick to his car.

"I'll give you credit for trying to keep the peace, but that was the most awkward game I've ever played." Nick laughed and ran his hand through his hair.

"I can't believe Sarah is still avoiding you. I get that liking you might be weird, but it doesn't have to get in the way of us all having fun." Charlie frowned. She fully supported her friends in everything they did, but she was having a hard time not butting in and giving her opinion to Sarah.

"Well remember when you liked me and you tried to convince Abby to trade rooms with you?" Nick reflected.

"Our rooms were right next to each other! It was driving me crazy to always have you next door." Charlie remembered how uncomfortable she felt having him so close all the time.

"Sarah just needs space. She picked the wrong group of friends to give it to her, but she'll get over it soon." Nick stopped next to his car.

"It's been three months." Charlie crossed her arms.

"It took you an entire year to get over me!" Nick poked Charlie's shoulder.

"No it didn't!" Charlie gasped. "It was a tiny crush and then you started dating that dancer, so I stopped liking you."

"You yelled at me for dating an older woman and pushed me down the stairs!" Nick laughed so loud that it echoed through the neighborhood.

"I shoved you a little hard and you just happened to be standing in front of the stairs." Charlie covered his mouth to keep his laugh from disturbing anyone.

Nick licked her hand.

"Are you crazy?" Charlie pulled her hand away and shrieked.

"Crazy for you." Nick winked and opened the car door.

"Go home." Charlie rolled her eyes and shut the door after he climbed in.

Charlie started walking back towards the house, but stopped when Nick called her name.

"My mattress is still a little hard." Nick called from his car. "Want to help me soften it up?"

"Goodnight, Nick." Charlie laughed before going back inside the house.

As Nick drove away, Sarah watched from upstairs. She had heard what he called out to Charlie and her suspicions were confirmed.

Nick was in love with Charlie and she was going to be alone forever.

A/N: As always, thanks so much for reading! Don't forget to vote and comment <3

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