Two Weeks Before

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Abby stood outside with Benjamin as he smoked. Maybe she would get used to this disgusting habit of his. Maybe she would help him stop. The thought made her smile.

"Why are you smiling?" Benjamin had been staring at Abby, curious as to why she had joined him outside.

"I'm just thinking about the future." Abby held his gaze.

"Am I in it?" Benjamin winked.

"You better be." Abby leaned in and kissed his cheek.

Maya and Sarah were playing Mario Kart in the living room. They were finally getting along thanks to Charlie. She had talked to both of them and helped bring them back together.

"I think these movies are mine." Nick was looking through the DVD cabinet.

"They're not." Sarah didn't look away from her game but she smiled.

"What movies are they?" Charlie was laying down on one of the couches playing on her phone.

"Zombieland. A few Mel Brooks movies." Nick held four movies in his hands.

"I bought those." Maya shot a red shell at Sarah who screamed.

"For me." Nick argued.

"I bought them so they stay here. Besides, you just noticed you didn't have them?" Maya laughed.

"You obviously didn't miss them that much." Charlie looked up at Nick as he sadly put the DVD's back into the cabinet and closed it.

"Zombieland was the dumbest movie I ever saw." Sarah was in last place thanks to Maya, so she was doing everything she could to get a bullet.

"You fell asleep halfway through." Nick got up from the floor and moved Charlie's legs over on the couch so he could sit down.

Sarah blushed because Nick had remembered something about her from a long time ago.

Maya crossed the finish line and started cheering proudly.

Sarah finished sixth but congratulated Maya on her evil win.

"What's taking Benjamin and Abby so long? Aren't they next?" Charlie noticed they'd gone outside two races ago.

"They're probably making out." Nick made a yuck face.

"That's disgusting. If he turns her onto smoking I'm kicking her out." Maya pulled her hair into a ponytail.

"You can't just kick somebody out." Sarah thought it would be mean to make someone leave for doing something they like.

"Why do you think Nick left?" Charlie joked.

"Hey, nobody kicked me out!" Nick defended himself as the girls started laughing.

Charlie liked this. Everything was going back to normal. They were all hanging out and there was no drama.

Charlie couldn't imagine being anywhere else than with these people she loved.

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