God Knows The Future: chapter 3

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       God Knows the Future

    The story is told of a child in a woodland camp, who was asked to go to the village with a letter. The father was pointing out the trail which he had never followed before. And the lad said, “All right father, but I don’t see how that path will ever reach town.”

           “Do you see the trail as far as the big tree down there” responded the man.

“Oh, yes, I see that far.”

“Well, when you get there by the tree,  you’ll see the trail a little farther ahead, and so on, until you get within sight of the houses of the village.”

No, we do not know the future, but i'st an encouraging thought to know that what looks dark in the distance may brighten as we draw near. All we need to see is one step at time.


I see not a step before me as I tread on another year;

But the past is in God’s keeping, the future His mercy shall clear,

And what looks dark in the distance may brighten as I draw near.

O restful, blissful ignorance; ‘tis blessed not to know;

It stills me in those mighty arms, which will not let me go,

And hushes my sad soul to rest on the bosom which loves me so.

So I go on, not knowing, I would not if I might.

I would rather walk in the dark with God, than go alone in the light.

I would rather walk with Him by faith, than walk alone by sight.

My heart shrinks back from trial which the future may disclose,

Yet I never have a sorrow but what the dear Lord chose.

So I send the coming tears back with the whispered word, “He knows!”

                                                                                    - Mary G. Brainard

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