Things Which Are Little: chapter 12

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Things Which Are Little

God is not handicapped by the inexperienced of His servants. We have often heard the saying: “One with God is a majority.” While this is right, it is also true that “God alone is a majority.”  He does not need help, but He does enlist the aid of His servants as instruments to carry out His will. Very seldom does God use a crowd. He prefers to use little minorities or even individuals, so the world will not rob Him of His glory and attribute the Heaven-sent victories to the feeble efforts of men. The Lord loves to use little things to do great things! We can be TOO BIG for God to use, but never TOO LITTLE! Elijah plus God could overcome the scheme of his enemies. Gideon’s army of 300 plus God put to flight the thousands of their adversaries. A little lad who put his  resources of a few small loaves and fishes into the hands of Jesus saw them multiplied to feed a great multitude. Moses plus God delivered a nation of 2 million slaves. It is really God alone who gives the victory. He uses men at the weak instruments and humble channels through which He carries out His great purposes.

Today the Lord is looking for SMALL people, not “big shots”. Do you feel you can contribute very little? Then yield your little to God, and watch Him work! Forget for the moment about David and God, Elijah and God, and Samson and God. Instead , think of this: YOU, PLUS GOD! The Lord is looking for YOU to be a channel of power. - Anonymous

He never thought the colt he raised

        Would some day be the one

To lead the great processional

         Of God’s beloved Son!

She packed her boy a little lunch - 

        Five loaves and fishes two

That morning - never dreaming what

         A little lunch would do!

The task the may seem commonplace 

        May be the one to bring

The greatest blessing to the most.

        God knows no little thing!

                                - Anonymous 

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