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(Saturday morning)

(Jacob's POV)

I wake up and the first thing I wanna do is see Lexi's face. Yea I know she's my Foster sister but dang she's hot! I knock on her door and she tells me to come in

Jacob: you up sleepy head? (Sits on her bed)

Lexi: mhm.. Yea (rubs eyes)

Jacob: my parents left for work already

Lexi: damn, do your parents ever get a break?

Jacob: not unless it's a serious Holliday

Lexi: I know that's gotta be hard (he nods) umm.. Be right back

(Lexi's POV)

I knew my breath smelled like ass and and corn chips so I had to fix that! I wash up and brush my teeth then lastly put on my floral robe. I go back in my room and Jacob is looking through my old pictures

Lexi: nosey much?

Jacob: oh, sorry. This pic is cute. How old were you?

Lexi: 5 I always wanted to be a model, but I know that dream won't come true

Jacob: and why not?

Lexi: because nobody's going to want a girl like me, I have the worst attitude and--

Jacob: what if you change?

Lexi: I don't change for anybody, if you can't except me for who I am than oh well

Jacob: true.. Ya know I've always wanted to be in a boy singing group

Lexi: really? That's really cool, why don't you find people to sing with?

Jacob: people will really think I'm gay then

Lexi: watchu mean?

Jacob: I mean people already think I'm suspect cause of the way I dress or cause I don't play a sport

Lexi: (gets closer to him) that kiss yesturday wasn't gay

Jacob: oh true? I thought we weren't suppose to be doing this

Lexi: doing what? We just talking

Jacob: yea but you don't know how bad I want you right now

Lexi: I want you too but this could get me kicked out this house

Jacob: (looks around) I don't see my parents around

Lexi: yea but--

Jacob: but we could keep this lowkey

Nigga what? Lowkey? This gotta be lower than lowkey!

Lexi: ok (scared)

Jacob: good (kisses her and she kisses back)

(Mackenzie's POV)

So I'm going to Jacob's house to chill with him today. Yea I know I didn't text him to warn him I was coming but who cares. I walk up to the porch and see Lexi's room light on. Damn, I forgot about that bitch! The window is wide open and I get a little curious. I take the ladder that is on the side of their house and propped it up near the window. I climb up and see Jacob and that bitch kissing! What the fuck? There basically brother and sister they can't do that. I pull our my phone and snap a pic. I climb down and put the ladder back. I walk home feeling satisfied. This hoe doesn't know what's coming.

(Jacob's POV)

Man making out with Lexi was life! I would fuck her but I know that's taking it too far and my parents will be home soon

Jacob: so.. Do you wanna give us a try?

Lexi: Jacob I'm sorry I can't risk getting kicked out of this house, but (kisses him) I will always do that again

Jacob: (laughs) ok with me

No that's not ok with me, I wanna be with Lexi! It was kind of silent until I heard the garage. I knew my parents were home

Jacob: well, I should go

Lexi: bye, jake!

(I'm skipping to monday cause I'm cool like that :P)

(Monday morning)

(Mackenzie's POV)

Mackenzie: thanks for breakfast ma (heads for the door)

Kenzie's mom: your welcome Kenzie, have a good day

I walk to the bus stop then soon get on the bus. I don't signal Jacob to sit with me, like he would anyways. We get to school and Jacob heads over to his friends leaving Lexi alone. I grab her shirt and pull her into the bathroom

Lexi: get the fuck off of me hoe

Mackenzie: did you think I was joking?

Lexi: bitch whet?

Mackenzie: when I said stay away from Jacob

Lexi: well I do kind of live with him

Mackenzie: yea so you shouldn't be swapping spit with him

Lexi: (gets scared) excuse me?

Mackenzie: (shows her the pic) yea hoe. so I advise you to stay away or I'll show his parents

Lexi: NO! Please! I'll stay away I swear

Mackenzie: atta girl (pats her head then walks out the bathroom)

(Lexi's POV)

Did this bitch just pat my head like I'm some type of dog? Yea no, she needa get her life! And how in the world did she get that pic? Stalking having ass bitch! I walk out the bathroom and into first block. Jacob tries to talk to me but I ignore him. This continued out through the whole day. When we were walking home I almost cried

Jacob: what did I do? Are you mad? Talk to me!

Lexi: nothing. No. And I can't

Jacob: I don't understand

Lexi: keep it that way (walks away from him)


(Jacob's POV)

Dinner was awkward for me and Lexi. My mom soon broke the silence

Mrs. Perez: so Lexi have you made any friends at school?

Lexi: uhh.. No, I kind of like to stick to myself

Mr. Perez: well ok, do you and Jacob have class together?

Lexi: yea we have 1 block together and lunch

Mrs. Perez: well Jacob here can be your school friend, right Jacob?

Jacob: I don't think she wants me as a friend

Lexi: sometimes I do those things to protect people or myself

What's that suppose to mean? How would she hurt me?

Jacob: (raises voice) what's that suppose to mean?

Mrs. Perez: Jacob calm down

Lexi: may I be excused? (Leaves the table)

(Lexi's POV)

I know he can't see that I'm doing this for him and myself, but I am. So if I have to come off as a bitch to protect us, so be it!
This has to be my longest chapter EVER!! So yall comment & vote or I won't post!! I know it sounds mean but oh well lol :P

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