Believe Me

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You guys never comment on my chapters!! You lucky I love yall or I wouldn't be uploading!! But seriously imma need yall to start commenting on my story frfr! Anyways let's get back to the book, shall we?
(Small Re-cap)

(Lexi's POV)

Lexi: PEREZ?!

The house looked empty, but I heard rock music coming from upstairs. I quickly ran upstairs and banged on his door

(Jacob's POV)

Who the fuck is banging on my--

Jacob: Lexi?

And before I could say anything else she crashed into me hugging me tight and crying into my chest. I rubbed her back

Jacob: Lexi what happened?

Lexi: I'm so-sorry Jacob... For everything

Jacob: oh ..

I pull her off of me and back away. Why the fuck is she just now coming out of the blue with everything

Lexi: Perez just listen (tried to touch him but he pushes her away)

Jacob: Lexi, where were you with this a year ago? I love you and you know it and then you just ignored me and left me out of everything. I would've liked to go to the mall with you, Jacob, and kiloni but nooo--

I was cut off by her smacking the shit out of my face

Jacob: OUCH!

Lexi: sorry but I kind of have mixed emotions about you right now. Just please listen to me.

Jacob: mhmm ok I'm listening

Lexi: (talking fast) ok so Mackenzie's stalking ass some how got a pic of us kissing and she said if I didn't stop talking to you then she would show your parents and get me kicked out of the house so I ignored you for a year which was really hard because I love you Perez! There I said it, I love you Jacob Emmanuel Perez!

I shut her up by smacking the shit out of her face! Bad idea..

Lexi: OUCH! Perez what the fuck?!

Jacob: oh sorry. I should've did this

I grab her face and kiss her softly then pull away

Jacob: you had me at I love you

Lexi: same. But uhh Jacob do you think your parents will get mad if I get suspended?

Jacob: uhh hell yea! why would you get suspended?

Lexi: cause imma Molly whop that bitch Mackenzie on Monday!

Jacob: no bad idea! My parents will ground you for a month

Lexi: ok so what do I do? Cause I'm gonna fight her

Jacob: Monday after school. We get off at her stop, she'll never see it coming

Lexi: good idea Perez (winks)

Jacob: (grabs her waist) yea I know. Now give daddy some sugar (does the kissy face)

Lexi: eww not with that face (he frowns) aww big baby! (Kisses him)

(Lexi's POV)

All day I've been mean mugging Mackenzie. She confronted me a couple of times but I just kept my mouth shut and thought about the plan, she doesn't know what's coming...

Jacob L: bye Lexi (hugs her) uhh call me this afternoon I have to tell you something

Lexi: iight. I really hope it's good news, I'm kind of done with bad news

Jacob L: nahh it's good (goes on his bus)

Me and Jacob get on the bus but don't get off at the first stop like we usually do. The last stop is Mackenzie and me and Jacob put on our hoodies and get off the bus. Mackenzie turns around and I take off my hoodie

Mackenzie: what are you doing here stalker?

Lexi: your the last one to be talking about "stalking" yo crazy ass! I'm done with you, you dirty stupid hoe!

Mackenzie: (steps in her face) dirty? Bitch before you came here you lived in a shack! You had to steal to survive. The food I eat everyday is imported from different countries. Bitch you don't belong here, go back to where you came from. And if you get lost just head for a spot where there's a bunch of broke black people and once you smell poverty your there (she smirked)

Lexi: (takes off earrings) you know what? You a lying ass thot! And your the reason my old Foster family dead!

Mackenzie: w-wha-what? (Scared)

Lexi: yea hoe! And before I turn you and yo uncle Richard in imma whoop yo ass!

I jump on top of her and punch her repeatedly in the face. And I have to say she a strong white girl! She rolled me over and started chocking me. As I was gasping for air I pulled her hair and kicked her off of me. I started stomping on her face until I saw her face bloody then I started stomping on her stomach. Then mr. PeaceMaker had to come to her rescue. Perez yanked me off of her and helped her up

Jacob: ok ladies gah damn, spread the peace

Mackenzie: ugh! You bitch! You fucked up my face (runs and hugs Jacob) let's go Jakey poo

Jacob: (pulls her off) oh no boo boo you bets not get yo bloody face on my nirvana shirt!

Lexi: yea bitch that's my man! So don't breath his air unless you breathing mine too. Don't smell him unless you wanna lose your ability to smell. Don't sit beside him in class, skip two seats then sit yo ass down. Don't ask him no questions in class that's why we got google, look that shit up. And don't even think about uploading a pic of yall on Instagram cause I will report dat ass! Do I make myself clear? (Mackenzie's speechless) yea that's what I thought!

Me and Jacob turned around and were about to walk home when..

Mackenzie: if you make one more step, I will send this pic to his parents quick, fast, and in a hurry

I turn around and start looking around like I'm looking for something

Mackenzie: the fuck are you doing?

Lexi: looking for a FUCK to give. Go ahead and send it, I already did what I had to do

Mackenzie: fine (tries to send the pic but accidentally press delete) wait noooo!! (Starts crying) how the fuck did I press delete?

Lexi: maybe it's that black eye I gave you (takes Jacob hand and they walk home)

When we got home I take a hot shower and put on my pajamas. Jacob knocks on my door and I tell him to come in. He lays on my bed beside me

Jacob: you are crazy! You almost smashed her face in

Lexi: haha I know, I get like that when people hurt the ones I love

Jacob: pinches her cheek aww thats cute

Lexi: stop mr. Softy

Jacob: excuse me? I can be big and tuff too

Jacob tackles me but I flip him over and pin him down

Jacob: mhmm (licks lips)

Lexi: (rolls off) perv!

Mrs. Perez: (yelling) Jacob are you ready? Don't wanna be late

Jacob: ok, coming

Lexi: where you going?

Jacob: I don't know, it's a "surprise" (walks out)

Oh woow, that boy is too much. Oh! I almost forgot to call Jacob! I dial his number and he picks up on the 3 ring

Jacob L: bestie!! Guess what?

Lexi: what?

Jacob L: I'm moving!

Lexi: what the fuck?!
Hahaha hope you like cliff hangers!! But this is a long chapter I think I deserve some comments on watcha think about it. Thanks loves 1-4-3

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