Chapter 3

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The next morning I woke up to the sun streaming through my window, I sat bolt upright in confusion as I focused on my surroundings.

Oh, wait, I have my own window now.

I jump from my bed and skipped to my own bathroom where I prepared myself for the day. I walked to my walk-in closet, clutching the towel to my naked body and couldn't decide what to wear. So I closed my eyes and grabbed the first things my hands touched, I stood in front of the mirror and smiled.

I had pink shorts on with a navy colored tank top. My hair was still dripping wet and it was a mess as usual but I didn't care. My wrist still had bandages but it didn't hurt anymore.

I skipped downstairs for breakfast, relieved that I didn't have to hurry up or I'd get left overs. I shriek when something big and furry makes me stumble and I fall on the ground.

"Kylie?" I heard Ian as I tried to push the monster that was trying to eat me.

"Help!" I say and I'm suddenly scooped up from the floor.

"Down! Down, girl!" Ian says and takes me to the kitchen, the monster trailing behind.

Ian sits me on the kitchen counter and I pull my legs up as he tried to eat me.

"Out!" Ian opens the yard door and pushes the monster out.

"You have a dog?" I ask incredulously as I slowly relaxed.

"Yes, but she's really nice. She was just excited to see you." Ian says and he places a plate of pancakes on the table.

I jump down from the counter, sit at the table, and savor every bight of the delicious pancakes.

"Thank you." I say after I finish eating.

"You don't have to thank me," Ian says with a smile. "C'mon, let's see if we can brush that rat nest of yours."

"What? My hair?" I say and touch my hair that was in a damp knot.

"Yes, your hair." Ian says and starts to brush my hair, I protested when he pulled to hard on some knots.

"Stop your whining, I'm done." Ian says and sighs.

I touched my hair and ran a hand through it, I actually ran a hand through my hair without getting my hand stuck. I gasped when I saw how long it actually was since I've never cut or even trimmed it.

"Nina is going to love playing with it." Ian says and puts on his leather jacket. "Go put some shoes on."

"Where are we goin'?" I ask curiously.

"To my job." Ian says and I went upstairs.

I entered my room and grabbed a pair of what Nina called "combat boots", to me they looked like a pair my father used to have but without the studs.

"Okay, I'm ready!" I say as I walked through the front door that Ian was holding.

"Let's go then." Ian says and we were off.

I looked out the window of the car as we passed through the city. It was beautiful, I've never been to this part of the city before. We got to a place where Ian had to pass a gate that was guarded by a security guard. He only showed his face and the guard let him pass.

"What do you work?" I ask and Ian looks through the rearview mirror.

"I'm an actor." He says somewhat cautiously, as if he'll scare me but I was just confused.

"An actor? Like those people on TV?" I say, lifting an eyebrow and cocked my head.

"Yes... You look so cute when you do that." Ian says as he parked the car.

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