Chapter 10

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I look nervously out the car's window as Ian pulled up in front of the school. Kids were running about everywhere and jumping out of school buses.

"I don't think she's ready." Ian says looking at me through the rearview mirror.

"Ian, she is. Everyone is nervous on their first day." Nina says. She was sitting in the passenger seat.

"She's different, Nina, she has dyslexia. I don't think she can keep up in sixth grade." Ian says.

"I think she's fine. She's at perfect reading level and if she has trouble we'll fix it." Nina says and I snort, making them turn around in their seats to look at me.

"I love how you guys worry about me, but it's unnecessary. I'm the one who should be worried about you guys taking care of Sophie without me," I say and point to Sophie who was in her car seat. "Just this morning I had to put the seat belt correctly and you didn't know that the carrier had to face the back of the seat."

"C'mon, that was just one time. All Sophie does is sleep and you have to give her the bottle from time to time." Ian says and I glare at him.

"We've had her for a week and you know it's not that easy, Ian, who's going to watch her at work? Michael, Zach, and Steven?" I say and Nina chuckles.

"You know she's angry when she calls you by your first name." Nina says and then looks back at me. "I'll watch her between takes, okay? Sophie is going to be fine."

I sigh and look at Sophie who was sleeping in the carrier. I rub her eyelids gently with my fingers and kiss her chubby, rosy cheek. Only a week with her and you'll fall in love.

"Okay." I say and move to open the car's door.

"Want me to take you?" Ian says and I shook my head while Nina replied.

"She's eleven, not four."

"Okay, my little girl is growing up. At least give me a kiss." Ian says and I smile as I leaned in to kiss his cheek.

"Love you, Daddy. Bye, Nina!" I say as I opened the car's door and stepped outside.

"Hey, c'mere." Ian says as he rolled down the window and I walked up to it.

"Yeah?" I say and I hear the bell ring from inside the school.

"Your new phone. Call me if anything happens." He whispers and hands me a new iPhone.

"Yeah, Dad." I say in exasperation and and take the phone.

I turn around and I hear the car leave behind me. I broke into a run as I saw the outside of the school was almost cleared out.

Great. Late on the first day.

I checked the paper that Nina had given me. It said that my class was on the second floor and it was 6B. I think Nina over did herself by dressing me in expensive, designer clothes for school, but I didn't want to hurt her feelings. So I was stuck with designed ripped jeans, light green flats with a bow, and a cream flannel shirt. At least she didn't touch my hair and left it in its usual straight, loose form.

I found the class was a few feet next to the stairs and I sigh in relief. The relief didn't last long as I opened the door to chaos.

Spitballs and pencils-- I think I saw a hamster flying-- were flying everywhere, a cacophony of noise, kids running about the place. The teacher's desk was next to the door and obviously was empty.

I stood frozen by the door until a chubby boy that looked like a Willy Wonka munchkin shouted from across the room.

"Hey! First grade is downstairs!" Munchkin shouted and the boys around him snickered.

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