Chapter 11

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(Ian's POV)

I checked the clock and my phone constantly while at the set.

I was worried sick about Kylie. It's her first day of school and I didn't know if she was ready for it.

I had Sophie in my arms in the Vampire Diaries set. I carried her between takes to ease off some of the nervousness of worrying about Kylie.

"Ian, she just drank a bottle, you're going to make her puke if you keep rocking her." Nina says as some workers fixed her make-up.

"I'm worried sick." I say and stop rocking Sophie.

"She's fine. You're going to have to let go someday. What's going to happen when she goes to college or falls in love?" Nina says and I sigh.

"I know, I know." I say and I placed Sophie back in her carrier since she was falling asleep.

I worked for another hour until it was time for lunch. I looked for Kat Graham who was taking care of Sophie between takes in the make-up studio.

"Hey, did she sleep the whole time?" I ask took a sleeping Sophie from her arms.

"Yeah, she's the perfect baby... A little birdie told me that Kylie is at school." Kat says with a wink and I roll my eyes.

"That birdie being Nina, right? Yeah, I'm worried about Ky'." I say and check my phone again.

"Why? It's not like you left her in prison," Kat laughs. "you should take Sophie to a daycare where she could be with other babies. I bet they'll take excellent care of her."

"I can barely stand being without Kylie, besides Sophie is my calm pill." I say and kiss Sophie's forehead.

The story Nina and I told about Sophie is that Kylie wanted a little sister so we adopted another kid.

"Hey, Nina!" I saw Nina pass by in the hallway.

She stopped and poked her head through the open door.

"Yeah?" She says.

"Want to go eat lunch together?" I ask and she smirked.

"Like a date?" Nina says with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah, but with a baby." I say and Sophie squeals on cue.

"Okay." Nina says with a smug smile.

We were at a restaurant and after eating lunch I decided to talk to Nina. I was nervous, we hadn't really had time to talk alone for quite a while. She was sitting across from me with Sophie's carrier on the chair next to her.

"Um, Nina?" I speak up, interrupting her cooing at Sophie who wasn't impressed in her carrier.

"She's one tough nut to crack. Not even a smile." Nina says frowning when Sophie stared at her with furrowed eyebrows.

"Don't take it personally. She only laughs with Kylie." I say absently.

"Oh... You wanted to talk about something?" She says, turning her attention to me.

"Yeah... Um... I'd like to talk about our relationship. I don't want you to feel left out or if something's bothering feel free to tell me." I say and look pointedly at Sophie who currently had her foot in her mouth.

"Oh, Ian, no I'm fine with everything. I got over it and I'm sorry for the way I acted about Sophie. About our relationship, I think we're stable... I love you, you know," Nina smiles. "And I love Kylie too, she's you're life and you're her life, thus she's my life... That was confusing."

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