Chapter 12

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5 months later...

It was February the fourteenth, aka, Valentine's Day.

I was at Sally's mansion in her room that was bigger than my house. Her parents were dirty rich, so when I asked why she was in a public school...

"Kylie, for the same reason you are. I don't want to be given special treatment, I don't want friends that are only interested in my money, and sometimes it feels awesome to be normal. The only thing is my parents like to show off unlike yours."

The thing is, Sally always throws this Valentine's Day party that is rumored to be more expensive and awesome than the elementary prom. So I had to be an hour early because all the other girls had to descend the grand staircase--supposedly made of the Ancient Greek ruins--as the party started.

We all wore matching, sparkling red dresses and flats that were more glittery than Dorothy's heels from the Wizard of Oz, except for me who "lost" the flats and had to where my red Chuck Taylor's.

We were jumping on Sally's king size bed while her Bose stereo system boomed Dark Horse by Katy Perry.

"Kylie, your sister's eating her foot again." Danielle says in her heavy accent and points to Sophie who was in the middle of the bed bouncing like popcorn with every jump.

"Sophie, baby, no." I stop jumping and pull her foot out gently.

Sophie always had that problem, sucking her foot, but it always made her puke and since she's wearing a pretty pink, polka dot dress I didn't want that to happen. She's seven months now, she never had much hair except a patch of blonde, but now it touched the top of her shoulders in curls. Her hazel eyes reminded me so much of Kyle that it hurt and she was much more chubby so I could barely carry her.

"Hey, Kylie?" Sally jumped and landed crossed legged next to me.

"Yes?" I say, lifting Sophie onto my lap.

"Roman's coming! You nervous?" Sally asked, wiggling her eyebrows and the rest of the girls stopped jumping to giggle.

"Shut up... " I say and then add with a sigh, "No, I'm not nervous."

"Really? I'd be nervous if I were you because of Ian, wait no, I wouldn't mind him staring me down angrily with those icy blue eyes..." Sally says dreamily.

Danielle groans, "Sally, ew, you're crushing on our friend's father."

"Every teenage girl is crushing on him, Dani." Sally retorts and turns her attention back to me. "We all know Ian doesn't approve of Roman."

It was true. I remember when Roman came to my house so that we could tell Ian that we were together, (Nina already knew) the reaction I got was even worse than the one I had imagined.

"So, Dad, we both have something to tell you." I said, sitting on the couch next to Roman.

"Yeah?" Ian asked, looking between us suspiciously.

"Roman and I are together. We've been for a month now and I thought we should tell you." I said and Ian's expression was... Well, expressionless.

No shock, no anger, no gladness. Absolutely nothing. A complete poker face. Even Kristen Stewart had a more readable facial expression and that was saying a lot.

"I don't want to see him again. Or else." Ian had said and left the living room.

"Well, that went perfect." I muttered.

"I think you did pretty well, I mean he didn't say we couldn't be together. I'll just never show my face to him." Roman shrugged indifferently.

So that's what we did. Nina would drive me to Roman's house or take us somewhere while Ian wasn't around and we spent most of our time together at school.

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