Amazing time

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I woke up to my phone ringing at first i ignored it not wanting to pick it up and to go back to sleep but it began to ring again and again. I sighed and looked at the caller I.D its was Nash. Butterflies erupted in my stomach and a smile spread across my face. I calmed myself down not wanting to act like i was super happy about the call.

"hello?" damn my voice sounds horrible i coughed trying to get it back.

"BRIANNA YOU FINALLY ANSWERED!" i laughed at his response. Wait what time is it? I took the phone away from my ear and gasped at the time. 1:30pm!!!!

"OMG i am so sorry i didn't notice I've been sleeping this long!!" i he chuckled on the other end. I quickly rushed out of my bedroom into Ally's room. i was about to yell at her until i heard Nash talking.

"So i was thinking we all could hang out today. like go to the mall or something?" he sounded unsure about his suggestion of going to the mall but i wasn't. That sounded fun for today with all the boys

"yeah that sounds great Nash, can you hold on a second i need to wake Ally up"

"yes, i can" i quickly set the phone down and went over to her. I knew Ally was a hard sleeper so i took a deep breath and grabbed her shoulders and started to shake her.

"ALLY WAKE UP WE NEED TO GET READY!!!" i stepped back quickly and she jolted up. Her hair was everywhere and i laughed way to hard at how scared she looked.

"WHATS HAPPENING, OMG BRIANNA YOU ALMOST MADE ME SHIT MY PANTS!" That just made me laugh harder. My stomach started hurting at how much laughter i was in until i remembered my phone.

"oh shit!" i grabbed the phone and put it up to my ear. A smile formed on my face at what i heard on the other end. There was fits of laughter coming through the phone and i giggled because it was all the boys and i knew they heard how i was waking up Ally.

"I'm gonna go now we need to get ready. meet us at the mall in about 30 minutes?" I heard their laughter die down and finally I heard Cameron in the background.


"yeah see ya Brianna!" Nash said and he hung up. Me and Ally got ready. I just put on skinny jeans a cute lime green top and some toms.

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We arrived at the mall about 10 minutes late because My grandma was giving us a "pep talk" about boys.

When we walked in we were searching for the boys until i heard yelling and someone crashed into me giving me a big hug. they lifted me up and spun me around. a weird high pitched noise of excitement left my mouth my cheeks heated up figuring out i was in a public place. I looked down shyly.

"hey Nash. Hi guys" i waved at them and Nash smiled at my embarrassment.

"Well what store to first?" i looked up finally and noticed only Cameron, Matt, Taylor, and Carter were here with Nash.

"ummm Holister?" Ally suggested. Everyone nodded and we headed to Holister. We found the store and headed inside.I found a Sweater that i REALLY REALLY wanted so i went up and grabbed my size. i went into my purse that went across my shoulder but i couldn't find my wallet.

"shit i cant find it" i noticed Nash was right by me and my eyes widened and my hands flew up to my mouth.

"I'm sorry, oh my god i didn't mean to say that it just came out and my god uggghhh" he chuckled and shook his head.

"its fine Brianna. what cant you find?" i sighed in relief

"my wallet isn't in my purse"

"Ok then we can just go to your house and get it?" i smiled and nodded.

"yeah i just have to tell Ally" i turned to go find her but he grabbed my arm.

"No lets just ditch them, it will be funny" his smile was so big and his eyes sparkled in the dim light and oh my god he was beautiful. i nodded slowly and let his drag me out of the store.

We left the mall and started walking towards the house he slowly wrapped his fingers between mine and we were holding hands. I couldn't help myself my cheeks heated up and i looked away from him and down to our hands. I loved the feeling i got while holding his hand. We walked a little bit and found a park. It was a big beautiful park and there wasn't that many people considering that it was Florida. He stopped walking when we got to a place where there was no one. he stood in front of me, and really close i could feel his hot breath on face. I slowly looked up at him into his eyes. Like really look up. he's like 6'0 and I'm like 5'0 . well 5'2 but.. I couldn't find it in myself to look away and it felt like there was no one around me. It was just me and him. He glanced at my lips a couple times and came closer to my face.

"you're beautiful you know that?" he didn't give me any time to answer or move away before i felt his lips crash into mine. I didn't know what to do my first reaction was to wrap my arms around his neck. His hands rested on my hips and pulled me closer to him. Our lips moved in sync and it felt wonderful.

My hands found their way to his hair as i lightly tugged at his roots. I heard a low groan come from his mouth. I pull away and look at him in worry. "What's the matter?" he asks "i thought i hurt you.." i say looking down shy." No.." He says slowly pulling me back in. I guess that's a good sign? he ran his tongue along my bottom lip i opened my mouth a little bit and his tongue entered my mouth. I didn't know how to react so i just copied him and did the same. Our tongues fought for a while.

Ofcourse he won obviously ! i suck at everything. His hands left my hips and went into my butt pockets, he squeezed and i jumped at the contact. We continued the kiss until i finally jumped back to reality. i pulled away but not far enough for his hands to leave my pockets and my arms were still wrapped around his neck. I smiled big and so did he.

"oh my god Brianna that was.... fantastic" we were both catching our breaths. i rested my head against his chest. "I really like you Brianna. "He says. I didn't know what to think. I mean I never had anyone tell me that except my old douche bag ex who broke up with me just because I wouldn't have sex with him. I wasn't ready. But Nash i know he would never pressure. Getting shocked out of my thoughts from nash saying "I know it's a little early... I should have waited sor." "No I like you to." I say cutting him off. After that he ended up walking me home. "Goodnight beautiful " he says . "Goodnight. " I say shyly as he kisses me and walks off to sam's .

Well! What do you think!? Long chapter huh! But I think you guys deserve it since i got over 30 more reads last night ❤ another chapter will probably be up tonight so. Maybe be prepared! And thanks to my good friend Zara for helping me! Follow her @zaraa26 she has amazing story's!

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