Chapter 5: I'll Protect Him Too

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Hiya how are you guys sorry its taking a bit long. Im just so lazy these days. Anyway remember to vote and stuff and I hope you like it.

Akari's pov.

   When I finally snapped out of what happened  I touched my cheek on where he kissed. I blushed again and went in the house. When I changed I went to check on nii-chan. I opened the door and see him shirtless. I then just stared at him. "A-ah Akari cant you see im changing." he said in emberassment. " Why Im your sister no need to be a stranger. Besides I've seen you naked ever since we were babies nii-chan." i said leaning on the door. " Yeah but still..." he said.

  I then looked at him closely and saw that he had bruises. " What happened to you?" i said. He looked at me confused until he realised what I was talking about. "U-um I fell at school again? U-uh anyway where were you a while ago I was worried." he said trying to change the topic. I knew he was lying and decided go let it go. " My fever was gone in the afternoon and I was lazy to cook so I ate outside." I told him. " But doesnt explain why you were out so long." he said. I then sighed. " Uhh fine I also saw a friend and decided to hangout at the amusement park." i told him. "... Was it a boy? " he asked. " Yeah why?" i said confused. " Do you like him?" he asked again. I then blushed. "W-what n-no were just friends." i said trying to hide my blush. He then smirked. "Sure whatever you say Akari." he said. " Uh whatever. Im going to cook dinner now." i said leaving.

    When dinner was done me and nii-chan sat down and ate dinner. I the decided to see the news. I looked at it saw that ghere was an explosion this morning at school. "...Onii-chan..."i asked with a dark aura. "U-uh yes?" he asked nervously. "WHY THE FUCK DIDNT YOU TELL ME THERE WAS A FUCKING EXPLOSION AT SCHOOL?! YOU COULD HAVE BEEN FUCKING HURT YOU ASS!!!" i said furious at him. "U-um" he asked scared. for the rest of the night I scolded him.

When it was time for bed I couldnt stop thinking about the attack. "-This is no coicidence... another player must want to kill my brother.-" I also suspected yuno in being second cause for one I knew about her crush on my brother and two I have seen her fight and conbine those two and she could be yandere.

~ Skip the amusement part scene~


In the morning I was cooking breakfast and was a little worried about nii-chan. When he came home last night he looked like he came out of a horror movie. Something weird happened yesterday too. The future suddenly changed with out me doing anything.  While I was thinking a heard our dorrbell ring. I opened the door to see a police officer. " Hello how may I help you?" i asked him.

" Uh hello who might you be?" he said. " Amano Akari sir." I told him. " Your Yukiteru- kuns sister. Well nice to meet you Akari-san may I came here to pick up Yukiteru-kun" he said. " Ah hes upstairs may come in if you like" i asked. "Yhank you" he said going upstairs. "Akari-chanan can I talk to you?" Yuno asked. "Sure I wanted to ask you something too anyway." i said. " Akari-chan... are you 13th." she asked. Then there was silence. "... Yes. So I was correct you are second."i told her feeling sad. "No... So your part of the game too... that means one day we will all have too..." she said with tears. " Yuno-chan dont cry your making me cry too... Yuno-chan please protect my brother if you can" i said hugging her. " Hai. Ofcourse." she said hugging back. "Yhis will be our little secret ok?" I said. " Ok. Lets protect yuki together ok Akari" she said. I then nodded.

I then took her in the house. She and the police officer sat atbthe living room while waitting. I decided that I would follow them so I got changed into a black sleveless shirt and skirt with a  white outline and let my hair down. I hid a pistol under my clothes and then I then went in nii-chans room and saw him under the blanket in a seating position.

"Nii-chan a police officer is here to pick you up." I told him. "Thanks Akari. Are you going out?" he asked me. " Yeah just going to walk around the park again." i lied to him. "Oh ok." he said slowly gatting up and going down. When we were down onii-chan was shocked to see yuno there. Yuki was abou to talk when the officer said he would explain in the car. "Tell me what happens ok. Ill be following you guys just in case" I whispered to Yuno. She nods and follows them.

When they were far enough I got on my bike and followed them. When they stopped they were at somekind of shrine. I carefully followed them and saw the police guy go away. Onii-chan was at the pond with Yuno staring at him creepily. I sweatdropped at this. When the police guy came back they were going to a more secluded area. 'Yuno can you try and let me hear what they are talking about?' i texted her. I then got a call  from her and answered it and listened. It looks like this tsubaki girls dead end flag was triggered.

       Onii-chan had to make a choice and chose to stay and protect sixth. while she and Onii-chan were talking I was texting Yuno. ' Something not right about her' i texted.

' Yeah shes talking crap about me to yuki' she replied.

'Hey yuno-chan...'


'Are the things still there at your house'

then she stopped replying.

' Its ok if you dont want to talk about it anyway keep an eye on them.'

I was cureently ontop of a tree branch looking at them. Then suddenly sixths futon caght on fire. The followers tried to save her but an idiot accidentally threw gasoline. After that all of the followers started killing eachother. "-Whats going on?!-" I got closer and heard onii-chan and Yuno talking. " If I stayed in your house you woud have killed me right? How can I trust you after seeing that. Your a nutcase" nii-chan said running of to save sixth. " Yuki..." yuno said crying.

When evrything was over Yuno wanted to kill sixth. When Yuki didnt agree she stabbed the corpsee and said they are not all dead. 'Yuno run. I'll hold them back for you guys' texted her. She then ran with sixth and nii-chan. I then started shooting as many of them I could until they were all dead. I then went in to check and saw a wallet near a womans corpse. It had a picture of her.  her husband. and their child. I felt guilty for killing her. I then started to follow them again. When I arrived nii-chan and yuno were being held and sixth started to kiss nii-chan and sgopped leaving a trail of saliva.

"-...Thats just gross. I hope she dies soon-" I looked at the people holding yuno and shot the one guy in the head and let Yuno do the rest. When she let yuki escape I was about to shoot the guys going after her when I ran out of bullets.

"-Kuso-" they then took yuno away. After a while sixth announced she was going to let her followers rape yuno then nii-chan ran to save her. Nii-chan threw a ball in the air and killed sixth.At the end yuno and nii-chan were safe but I couldnt get over the woman a while ago. How she had a family and I killed her but... I would do anything...anything to keep my brother safe even... even if it means I would have to die. He is my brother after all.


So how was this one? Remember to vote and comment for any suggestions. Sorry if I update too slow I have been busy with school. Anyway thanks for reading and bye~

Another Owner(Mirai Nikki / Future Diary Fanfiction) Akise Aru x oc ~Tsuki~Where stories live. Discover now