Car Crash

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The next day

"People we have an incoming trauma I want both greys, kepner, both Averys, Webber, Bailey, Shepherd, Altman,Yang, and page Karev and The O.B" Owen said sternly.

"Why so many of us chief?" Meredith asked.

"It's Callie and Arizona" Owen replied and everyone's faces dropped.

"Mark's in surgery he needs to know" Derek said and Dr. Webber looked at me.

"Avery I want you to go down to the O.R and wait for Sloan to be done and then tell him" Webber said and I did as I was told.

I went into the O.R where Mark was. I was so nervous to tell him I know he's gonna take this hard.

"Mark I need to talk to you about something it's important" I said and he looked up at me.

"What is it?" He asked.

"I'd much rather wait until you are done" I said.

"Well I'll be done in a few minutes" he said.

He finished and then we walked out into the hallway.

"What's up?" He asked.

"There's an incoming trauma and it's Callie and Arizona" I said and he ran as quickly as he could down to where the ambulance was coming in.

I tried my best to keep up with him because I know he's gonna freak out.

"What happened?!" Mark asked frantically.

"They collided with a truck that's all we know" Owen answered.

"You don't know about her injuries? The baby?" He asked.

"He just said we don't know yet Mark" Derek said to his best friend.

"How don't you know?! Someone go get me a trauma gown" Mark said raising his voice.

"Mark you can't be apart of this" Derek said and that got Mark more mad.

"This is my kid!" He said and raised his voice again.

"Which is exactly why you can't be apart of it" Dr. Webber said.

"Fine but I want Madison to work on them I trust her to do as good of a job as I would" Mark said and everyone looked at me.

I don't like how he just put me in this position it's too much pressure.

"Mark that's a lot of pressure I don't think I feel comfortable doing it" I said and I saw the sadness he had in his eyes and it killed me.

"Madison please forget everything that happened between us and just think of Callie and that baby" He begged and I let out a sigh.

"I'll do my best" I said and he gave me a small smile.

"I get to be in the room at all times" Mark said looking at Owen and Webber.

"Okay we can do that for you" Owen said and the ambulance pulled up and Arizona hopped out.

She was a little cut up but wasn't badly injured. Callie was taken out of the ambulance and she was all bloody and cut up with pieces of glass everywhere. This was so bad. Everyone started to check her out and rushed her inside to the trauma room. There wasn't much for me to do once we got into the trauma room no one was asking me for my help so I couldn't really do what Mark asked of me. Everyone was rushing around all talking at once. Thankfully they found a fetal heartbeat but Callie went into V fib right after but she came back and was rushed to the OR.

"Someone's gotta go be with Mark he'll go crazy if he's alone" Derek said as they were getting ready to start the surgeries.

"Dr. Avery go be with him" Owen said.

"Why me?" Jackson asked.

"Not you the other Dr. Avery" Owen said and I nodded and left the O.R.

I didn't know where Mark was so I spent some time looking around the hospital then I found him sitting in a stair well. He looked up at me and I could tell he had been crying.

"You don't have to be here and pretend that you care you made it very clear that you hate me" He said and I shook my head.

"I could never hate you" I said and sat down next to him and he began to cry.

I pulled him into a hug and let him cry on my shoulder like he had done for me many times before.

"I have something to tell you" I said and he broke away and wiped his eyes.

I knew this was the time I had to tell him about the twins it would be at least some good news coming out of this day full of bad news for him.

"What?" He asked.

"I'm pregnant with twins" I said and the expression on his face changed completely.

"Are you being serious?" He asked.

"Yes I found out right after Callie found out she was pregnant I just didn't know how to tell you but I figured I'd give you some good news today" I said and I smiled and he smiled too and pulled me into a hug.

"This is great I can't believe this" Mark said and he was so excited.

"I know and I just want you to know that I'm gonna be here for you through all of this stuff with Callie and the baby" I said and he nodded and gave me another hug.

"Thank you" he replied.

"Let's go somewhere and hangout and just talk like old times" I said and he nodded and we went and laid down in an on call room.

"I can't believe I'm gonna be a father to 3 kids" Mark said.

"I can't believe I'm having twins" I replied.

"What's this gonna mean for us?" He asked.

"I don't know Mark let's not worry about that now" I said and I laid my head on his chest as he put his arm around me.

We sat there in silence and then I felt myself slowly drift off to sleep.

*a few hours later*

I woke up to the sound of my pager going off and I looked over at Mark who had also fallen asleep. The page was to tell me that Callie was out of surgery.

"Callie's out of surgery" I said shaking him awake.

"Let's go see her" he said and quickly got up.

We walked side by side towards Callie's room and I felt him slip his hand in mine. I didn't bother to pull it away because I know he needs me right now and he's always been there for me. When we got to the room Arizona was sitting at the side of the bed holding Callie's hand.

"What happened during surgery?" Mark asked.

"Well we have a baby girl they flew in Addison to deliver her and I worked on her and Derek said Callie should wake up he just doesn't know when" Arizona said and Mark let out a sigh of relief.

"We have a daughter I have a daughter" He said smiling and I saw some tears come to his eyes.

I knew this whole thing with their baby was going to be hard because she was only 24 weeks and I feel bad for the three of them.

"Congratulations Mark" I said giving him a smile.

"Oh my god Arizona Madison is having twins our baby is going to have siblings" Mark said excitedly and a huge smile came onto Arizona's face.

"That's awesome congratulations!" Arizona said and got up and gave me a hug.

"Thank you I'm gonna leave you guys alone have some time with Callie let me know when she wakes up" I said giving them both a small smile and then walked out of the room.

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