Finding out genders

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3 months later

Today's the day I get to find out what sex my twins are and I'm super excited. It's also the day we find out who the new chief resident is going to be. Callie and Arizona had gotten married last month and Mark seems to be really loving parenthood with the two of them. Mark and I had talked for a while after I told him about the twins but the two of us had a falling out and I haven't spoke to him in over a month. A lot of my friends have been really supportive of me especially Alex which is kind of weird.

"You excited to find out what you're having?" Alex asked as we walked into the hospital.

"Yes of course I've been waiting 4 months for this" I said with a smile.

"What are you hoping for?" He asked.

"One of each" I answered.

"Is Sloan going to be finding out with you?" He asked.

"No we haven't talked in over a month and I know he'd want to be here but as bad as it sounds I don't want him there I'd rather have Lexie and Jackson like always" I replied.

"Well good luck let me know what you're having" Alex said then walked off.

I went down to O.B to wait for Jackson and to get my ultrasound. Lexie is always the one who does my ultrasounds. I'm very careful with who I'm trusting with me and my babies.

"You ready?" Jackson asked.

"Very ready" I said excitedly.

We walked into the room and I was so excited.

"I'm so excited!" Lexie said with a big smile as I walked in.

"Lexie so am I it feels like I've been waiting forever" I said and laid down on the table.

Lexie put the gel on my stomach and then began to look around.

"Well the first thing I'm seeing is that you have a little boy" Lexie said and Jackson and I both smiled.

Lexie continued to look around some more and then she smiled.

"You're second baby is a girl!" She said and she was so excited just like I am.

I smiled but then my smiled faded as I thought of how badly I wish I had invited Mark and how badly I just wanted to be with him.

"What's wrong?" Jackson asked and tears started to fall down my cheeks.

"I want him here" I said and Jackson pulled me into a hug.

"Stop crying over him Madison he's an asshole" Jackson said as we broke apart.

"Yeah but he's an asshole who's the father of my children and he's an asshole that I love" I said and wiped the tears from my eyes and Jackson shook his head.

He was mad he hates Mark and it makes things even worse that he's been put on his service ever since Mark and I broke up.

"Let's get this ultrasound done please Lexie I have some patients to go see" Jackson said and Lexie nodded.

When my ultrasound ended Lexie told me the babies were healthy which made me happy.

"I'll see you later" Jackson said giving me a quick hug then stormed off.

Jackson's POV

Once I left Madison I went and found Mark I hate what he's doing to my cousin and I hate having to see her cry all the time because of him.

"Hey Sloan we gotta talk" I said walking over to him as he stood at the nurses station.

"What's up Avery?" He said and as I stood in front of him I grabbed him the the collar of his shirt and slammed him against the wall.

"You listen to me I am sick and tired of having to watch Madison cry over you night after night and every time we go to ultra sounds you were the one who got her pregnant you're gonna be the father of those babies so stop being an asshole and step up you have no problem being a father to Sophia well the twins are just as much your kids as Sophia is and Madison shouldn't have to do it alone it takes two to make a baby so do something to fix things with her you know I really hope your son doesn't turn out like you and I hope your daughter doesn't find a guy like you oh wait you wouldn't know you were having a boy and a girl because you don't bother to ask how they're doing or when ultrasounds are you seriously make me sick" I said angrily and let him go then stormed off.

It felt so good to get all that off my chest and I know Mark will realize he needs to be there for Madison.

A/N: sorry it's taken me so long to update i've been really busy with sports i'll try and update as much as I can!

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