Strange Dreams

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I fell asleep listening to soft music in my bedroom. When I opened my eyes, the sun was out, staring almost directly into my window, which was strange. My window faced south, so I shouldn't have been able to see the sun at any time of day in my room. I wanted a room that wouldn't have the sun shining inside if it, while Maka wanted to have the sun shining in there in the morning so she could see the sun rise.

"What the hell?" I looked around my room and it was a lot more organized than normal. I looked for my usual outfit but when I looked in there, there was mainly just a bunch of nice shirts and pants and trench coats. I just put them on, and when I left the room, I found out I was in what was supposed to be Maka's room, but my stuff was in there, and Maka was where my room was, but her stuff was in there, and it was less organized. She walked out in a red hoodie, with a white tshirt underneath, blue jeans, and a pair of grey sneakers. I figured at this point it was a dream, where Maka and I had switched places. There really wasn't any other explanation other than that.

"Hey Soul." Maka said walking out of her room. She gave off a different vibe, one more like mine.

"Hey. We should hurry, we'll be late if we don't go soon." I said. The words felt foreign to my mouth. I never cared about getting to school on time, but I guess it would have been normal in the world of this dream, since I switched places with Maka.

What I found weird, though, was that when we got to the school, everyone else was normal, and for some reason I kept finding myself staring at the same guy (a/n: not naming the guy because it's the guy Maka really likes :3 I'm not about to reveal that. I will tell you guys, eventually. Just wait for the DWMA anniversary party *evilly laughs*). I was unwillingly having gay thoughts about him... and what made it even more disturbing was how often I talked to this guy.

Another thing I found weird was the fact that I didn't really like Maka. She'd flirt with me and ask to do stuff, but I didn't want to, unlike in real life. I was beginning to wonder if maybe Maka felt that way. Like maybe she had similar reasons to date me as I had to date her.

Maka's POV

I went to sleep, and when I woke up, I was in Soul's room, but all my stuff was in there. When I looked in the closet, I didn't find any clothes that I usually wore to school, so I just put on jeans, a white t-shirt, and a red hoodie.

I walked out of the bedroom to find Soul in a button up shirt, a pair of black pants and an unbuttoned trench coat, and his hair was a bit more tame than usual, and he seemed a lot more attractive to me.

We went to school and everyone else seemed normal, and didn't even question the way Soul and I were dressed, like it was normal. We went through the school day like normal, but for some reason I didn't care to pay attention at all . In stead I caught myself occasionally staring at Soul, and making myself look away, but still not paying attention.

Then there were points where I felt like Soul was giving me the cold shoulder. I don't know why I was being so flirty with him, I didn't even like him

I tried to just go through the day like normal but it felt really weird, like I wasn't in control of what I was doing.

Right before lunch I started to fall asleep, and the second I woke up I was back in my own bed, in my room, wandering what the hell that dream was about. I knew from the start Soul and I had switched places in that dream, and I knew that the way I felt in that dream was exactly what I feared Soul felt like, especially since I liked someone else for a while.

I got up and got dressed in my normal outfit and went through the day trying to forget about that dream, but I couldn't. It just felt so weird. I hated fawning all over Soul, and I hated the feeling of him ignoring me when I did even though I didn't want to, and I hated the idea that I was treating Soul the same way he treated me in that dream: Like just some average person who you don't have feelings for, no matter how much you were around them.

It's not that Soul was average, he was far from it. We were just way too different to ever really make anything work. I used to like him but that was when we first became partners. Now that we're around each other all the time, the most I could really see him as now was my brother.

To be continued...

The next 2 chapters are coming I just haven't gotten the time to edit them I'm sorry I'm helping out people when I'm not in band or school. I'm in Houston and Harvey hit on the day I was going to edit.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2018 ⏰

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