Looks And Thoughts

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Ohm's Pov

I wake up with to the smell of bacon. I must have fallen asleep beside a breakfast place. I look around the corner to see three men. One with jet black hair and a red jacket, another with short blackish brownish hair and a light blue jacket, and the last with a brown mohock and wearing a rainbow tank-top. They look familiar.. Kinda like the people from yesterday. Same jackets too. I see they have ordered bacon and eggs and pancakes. I decide to walk over.
"Um hello" I say as they look up and over to me. "Hey.." says the guy with the red jacket. He looks over to his friends then back to me. They say something to each other in a hushed tone.
"Well im going to go get something to eat.." I say turning around. I walk into to the building and I can feel my senses going all over the place. Then I feel it, I feel I pain on my head. I fall to the ground and I look up. I see the guy with jet black hair looking down at me. I then see darkness.

Evan's Pov

Me, Delirious and Brock decide to go to breakfast. I got eggs and bacon and Brock got puncakes and Delirious just got coffee. I start to think about how that guy got away when I hear something.
"Um hello" says someone. "Hey.." I say turning over to him. I stop.. it's him.. The one that just disappeared; the same mask and everything. I look over to the guys and say as quiet as I can "Guys it's him, the guy from yesterday."
Well im going to go get something to eat.." he says as he turns and walks into the building. I quickly take Delirious's bat and go hit him on the head. He falls and passes out. I quickly grab him and take him into the van and drive him to the hideout. I tie him up and leave the room

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