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Bryce's Pov

I wake up and go to the kitchen. In the living room I see Ryan asleep by the window. He must have been talking to Delirious last night. I remember how me and him would sit by the shore and talk every day. I wish it would have never ended. Until I went into a coma.. When I woke up he wasn't there. I thought he would come back. So I confessed to my parents that I was gay.. They beat me and threw me out. So I ran. I used the running skills that Ryan had taught me. When I went to the doctors they had told me Ryan was dead. I believed them... I thought I would never see him again.. I walk over to Ryan and kiss him on the head. I wish we could be together.. but I'm not sure if he feels the same way.. or what my friends would think.. But I do know I love him.

Ohm's Pov

I wake up to the feeling of a kiss on my head. I keep my eyes closed; not knowing who is there. I hear footsteps walk away from me. I slowly open my eyes. And look in the direction the footsteps left. I get up and look around. I walk towards the song of someone frying something. I hear humming as a get closer. I slowly open the door to the kitchen. I see Bryce, cooking breakfast. I blush. He must have been the one that kissed me?? "H-hey Bryce" I say walking into the kitchen. "Oh I'm sorry did I wake you up??" He says looking sorry. "N-no, no you didn't" I say and he sighs. He continues to cook. He looks over to me. "You wanna cook?" He says. "N-no I don't even know how to cook" I say. He grabs my hand and pulls me towards the counter. "I'm making bacon and puncakes!" He says. I look at the bacon in the pan. "Looks delicious" I say looking at Bryce's face. He looks at me. We are now face to face. I blush. His beautiful blue eyes. He can't see my face though because I have my mask on. I take ahold of his face. He blushes a red color. I lean in. "Hey guys what's up" yells Evan walking into the kitchen. Bryce jumps back. "H-hey Evan" he says gulping. I scared him... "I'm just gonna go...." I sigh and walk out of the kitchen. I can't believe I just ruined my chances with Bryce.

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