Chapter 16

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Max's Pov~

I opened my eyes, and no longer felt the terrible pain that had engulfed through me after I was bit.

I noticed I was lying in the ground still in my wolf form, and Charity lay next to me in her beautiful human form. She had her eyes closed. Oh no.

I shifted and sat up and noticed she was still breathing. Thank the Moon goddess.

I gazed at her sleeping form and smiled. This was my beautiful mate. She was wearing a long beautiful white dress and random small white roses decorated her hair.

"Alpha." Kris said from behind me.

"Yes?" I asked peeling my eyes away from my mate and looked at him and he tossed me a shirt and shorts which I quickly changed into.

"Seven of our wolves are dead, including Luke." Kris said seriously but his eyes showed sorrow. Luke and him were really close. I was too, but not as much as they were.

"How many wounded?" I asked.

"Two. But not too terribly." He said.

"Okay." I said and as Kris was about to leave I stopped him. "Wait. Thank you for saving Charity all of those times. And I'm sorry about Luke." I said genuinely.

Kris was taken aback because I had never been this open and not so Alpha like in front of him. He has never gotten a thanks from me ever I don't think.

"Of course Alpha. She is my Luna. And did you know that she can heal people? She just healed you, that's how she fainted." Kris said with curiosity.

"Yes I knew." I said.

"Wait... she's the white wolf!" He said with realization. "I mean I saw her white fur, but now it all makes sense why she is so kind and so different and why she can heal people." He exclaimed.

"Yes. And as my Beta, don't tell anyone because you know how people are about white wolves. Either they want to kill them, or they want to steal them and use them for their healing capabilities." I said sternly.

"Yes I understand Alpha." Kris said. "I'm going to go home to Sofia. She'll be worried." Kris said.

"Of course." I then leaned down, and lifted Charity bridal style and brought her home.

When we got there, I laid her down in bed and kissed her softly on the head. I then went downstairs to see the pack doctor and make sure the two wounded were being treated.

As I walked past the dining room, I noticed two plates of spaghetti untouched and realized that Charity hadn't eaten. She had been waiting for me. After it had been an hour she must of been so worried that's why she came to me.

I continued on my way, and soon made it to the pack doctors office. Inside he was busy at work stitching up one of their arms and the other lied down on a cot asleep.

"They okay doc?" I asked stepping in.

"Oh yes Alpha. This fellow here just got a small bite in his arm. He'll be okay. And the other, he just got wounded a little and is really worn out from the fight but he'll be okay too. He'll probably just stay in here for a few days." He stated.

"Okay. Thank you." I then turned and left and soon made my way back up to Charity.

When I opened the door I saw her standing about to open the door.

"Where do you think you're going?" I asked making her look down sheepishly.

"I wanted to find you." She said.

"Sorry I was just looking at the two wounded wolves." I replied.

"Oh okay. Can I heal them?" She asked looking up at me with her big blue doe eyes.

"No. they are fine. And besides, you were so drained after you healed me that you fainted. And you just healed me. Do you think you're ready to heal someone else? And besides, don't you want to remain low key so that you don't get stolen away because of your capabilities?" I asked concerned.

"I guess you're right. And I mean you said they are okay...." she dragged on. I knew she deeply wanted to heal them, but I wanted to protect her.

"So are we gonna finally eat dinner?" I asked. "You said you were so hungry after we got back from our run and that was three hours ago." I stated.

"Oh yeah. I guess my hunger went away while I was worrying about you." She said sheepishly.

"Let's go." I then grabbed her hand and we walked downstairs and went into the dining room and I saw that the plates were gone.

We then walked to the kitchen door and I peeped my head in causing a older woman to get startled.

"Oh Alpha. Is there anything you need?" She asked holding a hand over her chest from surprise.

"Yes, could we maybe have some sandwiches?" I asked.

"Of course. I have some made. Do you want ham and cheese or peanut butter and jelly?" She asked looking in the fridge.

"What do you want?" I asked Charity.

"PB and J sounds good." She smiled.

"Okay we'll have two PB and J's please." I smiled and in no time we each had a plate of PB and J.

"Thank you." Charity said.

"Of course Luna. My pleasure. Sorry about the spaghetti. I had to throw it out it had gotten bad." She said.

"Oh no worries. Sorry we weren't here to eat it." Charity giggled.

We then made our way to the dining room, but instead of Charity sitting down, she kept walking and I followed her without saying a word.

She then stopped once we had reached the fire place in the living room. She then sat down on the floor next to it and sighed.

"This feels nice." She said with a small smile playing in her lips.

"Yeah." I said sitting next to her. "I've never eaten here before." I then stated.

I had always eaten in the dining room or not at all. It was nice though. Here, by the fire with my mate. It was peaceful. I felt more at peace than I ever have. And what's interesting is I had a near death experience today, but I am not even thinking about that, just my beautiful loving mate.

Before I met Charity I would be angry for days after a big brutal fight like that and I would want revenge as quickly as possible. But now, I don't wish any of that. I want peace. The only reason why blood was shed today was because we were merely defending our pack. But I don't think I'll ever make our pack go on offense anytime soon. Why do that when we can have peace?

I am not only glad that Charity is my mate because of how great she is, but she is making me a better person. And hopefully through her, everyone can learn something from her.

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