Chapter 35

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Charity POV-

I opened my eyes and the bright light made me wince. I slowly adjusted to the light and tried to move but noticed that my arms were tied down on the table I was on and my legs were tied together.

It looked like I was on an examination table of some sort. I heard a door bang open and winced at the noise and shook with fear. Who had abducted me?

"Oh wow look who's finally up" A man stated as he came into view.

He was a large burly man who had jet black hair with a receding hairline. He looked to be in his 40's and he looked really menacing looking.

"My men finally were able to catch a white wolf." He smirked.

"Finally?" I asked confused.

"Remember a few weeks back when some of my men confronted your mate about a white wolf in his pack?" He smirked and my face fell. "Who knew it was his mate though." He smirked even more.

"What do you want with me?" I asked shakily.

"Your healing abilities and you'd be a nice asset to have around." He stated as he stroked my cheek.

I shivered in disgust. I didn't want anyone's touch but Max's.


Max!!! I shouted through the mind link hoping he was close enough to get it.

Charity?! Where are you?! Are you okay?! He shouted back.

I don't know where I am but I'm okay for now I guess.... this guy captured me for my healing capabilities. I stated nervously.

Don't worry I'm coming! He shouted in desperation.

"Speaking to lover boy I see." The guy smirked.

"N-no." I stuttered.

"Don't lie." He seethed and slapped me.

My cheek stung so badly. I looked at him in fear.

"What did you say to him?" He asked.

"I told him that I was taken for my healing abilities." I whispered looking down.

"Is that all? You didn't tell him where you were?" He glared.

"How could I? I have no clue where I am." I muttered.

"Don't back talk." He grumbled and slapped me again this time he hit me so hard he knocked me out.

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