Chapter 26

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It was Tuesday morning, the day after my old pack showed up at our doorstep.

I opened my eyes and looked over and saw that Max was already gone but as usual he had left a note.


Sorry I was not here to see you wake up but as you know your old pack is here so I had to make sure they knew what to expect with being here and all. Why don't you, Sofia and Maddy all hang out? I'll see you soon.
Love, Max

I remembered Maddy as our waitress who had been rejected by her mate and frowned at the thought. How could someone so beautiful and nice be rejected?

Hanging out with Maddy and Sofia sounded great so I got up out of bed and was soon changed into a white dress with a lace top and a pleated skirt (Dress on top). And my hair was curled nicely and I had a pretty white clip pulling my bangs back.

Thanks Hope.

No prob!

I then walked out of my room and headed downstairs hoping I'd run into Sofia.

And just my luck I found her in the kitchen at a little breakfast table seated in the corner of the kitchen.

"Oh hello Luna! How are you this morning?" She asked as she stirred her cup of tea and flipped the page of her magazine.

"Very good. How are you?" I smiled.

"Great. Would you like something to eat?" She asked.

"Yeah I'll just make myself a bowl of cereal." I said as I looked around for a bowl, spoon, and cereal.

And being the spazz I am I couldn't find anything. But the kitchen was ginormous! So don't blame me.

"Need some help Luna?" Sofia chuckled as she got up and headed to a cupboard to the left of me.

She pulled out a bowl and then opened a drawer and got a spoon. Then she led me to a cabinet and when she opened it I found Cheerios, Frosted Flakes, Life, and Lucky Charms.

Being the child I am, I grabbed the Lucky Charms.

I then poured the cereal, grabbed the milk from the fridge, thankfully it was easy to find, and then I sat across from Sofia.

"So Sofia, would you wanna hang out with me today, and if Maddy wants to too she can?" I asked as I took a bite of my cereal.

"That sounds fun! Thankfully I don't think Maddy has work today." Sofia said with a smile. "Maybe we could go shopping?" Sofia asked.

"That would be great." I smiled. "Then we could get lunch afterward."

"Sounds good. After you finish up we can go head over to Maddy's and ask her." Sofia smiled.


Me and Sofia headed out of the house and made our way into the throng of houses that belonged to all the pack members.

As we made our way there me and Sofia got bows and smiles from pack members and soon we were in front of a small one story house that was painted yellow and white. It was like a cute little cottage.

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