Chapter 27

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"I have no clue." Max said as we walked toward my sister and Gamma John.

"Good evening Alpha." John said. "I wanted to have dinner with you and Luna to hopefully make amends for how Savannah had acted yesterday." He stated.

"I'm am sorry Alpha and Luna." Savannah said looking down. She seemed sincere and I was going to forgive her but I would still keep my guard up.

Before Max could say anything, I jumped into the conversation.

"That was very thoughtful of you both to apologize." I said with a smile. "Savannah you are forgiven." I said and hugged her. My actions surprised both me and her.

I looked over and Max look shocked and he also didn't look pleased that I had easily forgiven her.

I grabbed his hand and sat him down and then sat in my seat.

Before us all were plates of lasagna and salad and I picked up my fork and started eating while everyone else still were quiet and unmoving.

"So did you get a tour of the pack Savannah?" I asked her.

She cleared her throat before answering.

"Why are you being so normal and forgiving towards me?" She asked ignoring my question.

"Because you're my sister, and I don't want to hold a grudge." I stated.

"Oh." Is all she said as she looked down and played with the food on her plate never actually eating it.

Dinner was pretty silent after that, and soon enough plates were cleared and Savannah and John got up to leave.

"We better get home, it's getting late." John said.

"Wait." I stated then looked to Max. "Are you sure they can't have a room here? I mean she apologized, and he's your Gamma he deserves to be here." I said reasoning with him.

Max sat there thinking for a moment. I could tell he was talking to his wolf.

"Gamma John, you and your mate may stay here as long as she is behaved and kept under control." Max said void of emotion.

"That's very generous of you Alpha. Thank you for your forgiveness Luna." John said with a smile.

"I'll have Beta Kris show you to your room." Max stated as he got up and grabbed my hand. "He'll be here momentarily." And with that me and him walked out of the dining room.

We walked in silence for awhile and we passed by the stairwell and I was wondering wear we were going if we weren't going to our room.

Instead of asking him I just let him lead us. The silence felt very peaceful.

We soon walked out of the house and we started walking down a path that led around a garden.

Soon we walked by bushes of white roses and Max plucked one easily and slowly took the thorns off and then handed it to me.

I smiled brightly and put the rose to my nose. It smelled amazing. I looked up at him and he looked down at me with pure adoration.

"You are so loving and compassionate. You have more love in one fingertip than most people have in there whole bodies. How? Just how are you so perfect?" Max said as he reached out and put some loose strands of hair behind my ear.

"I don't know. This isn't something I was taught, it's just who I am. I believe we all are kind and caring, some of us just don't know it yet." I stated as I twirled the rose in my hands.

Max slowly leaned in and kissed me. This was a sweet kiss and in it so many emotions were encompassed in it. Love, adoration, tenderness. Emotions I've never really received in my life time ever.

I held the rose in my right hand and brought my left hand up to cup his face, and he tangled his hands in my hair.

The kiss was soon released and we were both breathing ragged breaths and he stared intently into my eyes.

"How could you just forgive your sister like that. After all those years of torment from her, you treated her like you were the best of sisters." He said as he twirled strands of my hair with his fingers.

"I don't know. I mean I just look back at how she was taught to be the way she was. Deep down she has so much potential. We all do."

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