Part One

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Quick explanation before this thing starts. This story was originally written all in one part. Then I realized it was really long so I tried to divide it in a logical way. Sorry if it seems oddly laid-out.
There's not really any context that you need to know before you read this, other than of course the generic plot of The False Prince. Which I guess, thinking about it now, you don't even need to know that. (It just kind of won't make sense if you haven't read the book, but whatever)
I ramble.
Basically all you need to know is that you live at the castle. (Jaron's castle) Everything else should be explained.
But yeah. That's all from me.
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Y/n's POV (it will be for the entire story)

It had been only about a month since I had arrived at the castle and Tobias was already trying to convince me to challenge Roden to a fight. As if I'd ever be able to compete with Roden. Still Tobias insisted that I could beat him and he badly wanted to show Roden that he wasn't always the best.

"I told you Tobias, I don't want to fight him."
I complained.

"I already arranged for him to meet you here. You can't back out now." He argued.

I should have known this is what he was planning when he invited me to the courtyard earlier.

"Why don't you fight him yourself?" I asked.

I knew the answer though. Tobias was in no ways a fighter, he could barely control a sword yet he refused to try a different weapon. I tried to tell him he might be better with knives or something but he simply said he wasn't meant to fight and he didn't even want to try.

"You know perfectly well why I can't fight him myself." He replied.

"So you want me to fight your battles for you?"

"No, it's just that Roden always thinks he's the best and I think it's time he learns he's not always going to be the greatest."

"Fine." I sighed.

I looked my knives over, I had always preferred knives to swords. I found them much easier to maneuver and much easier to hide. I had spent a lot of my time before the castle as a thief. Being a thief, you needed a weapon that could easily be disguised. A knife was perfect for that job. I had learned to fight with two knives, one in each hand. They proved to be much more effective than swords. I put the knives back into their holding place in my boots.
A few minutes later Roden arrived. He looked at Tobias and waved. Tobias smiled and waved back then turned to me and nodded. I guess that was my cue to talk.

"Tobias told me you're a pretty good fighter. Care to test your skills?" I asked.

"Against you?" He raised an eyebrow. I nodded.

"Aren't you some kitchen servant or something?"

"I'm not a servant. King Jaron invited me here but I don't work for him."

"Isn't that nice. Still I'm not sure if you're a good opponent. I don't think King Jaron would appreciate me fighting a servant." He smirked. I glared at him.

"She's a good opponent." Tobias cut in.

Roden raised an eyebrow again.

"And I told you, I'm not a servant." I added, still angry.

"Fine, but don't expect me to go easy on you."

He unsheathed his sword. I pulled out my knives from my boots.

"Knives? You never said you'd be using knives." Roden commented.

"You never said you'd be using a sword," I replied, "Besides, you're good enough to beat me aren't you?"

Roden didn't answer, he just took the first swing at me. I dodged and we began fighting. He made most of the attacks but I stood my ground. I continued to dodge and counter when I could. Then I used one of my many tricks. I threw my knife from my right hand into the air then caught it in my left. While Roden was distracted watching that, I grabbed his wrist with my right hand. I twisted but he didn't drop his sword so I kicked him in the stomach. Not hard enough to hurt him badly but enough to catch him off guard. It worked and he let go of his sword. I then held it to his neck while he stared at me.
I smiled and dropped his sword at his feet. Then I walked off before he said anything, with Tobias following behind.

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