Part Four

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Tobias came in a few minutes later with some medicine. Unfortunately for Roden, he didn't have any food.

"I'm hungry." Roden complained.

"Too bad." I joked. Roden smiled.

"You need this medicine first. You can eat after." Tobias said.

He handed Roden a spoon with some kind of dark liquid on it.

"Drink this. It'll get rid of some of the pain." Tobias instructed.

Roden drank it but made a face as he swallowed.

"That tastes awful. Now I really need some food." He said.

"Y/n, could you go get something from the kitchen?" Tobias asked.

Roden laughed, probably thinking of some kitchen servant joke. I glared at him then nodded to Tobias and went to get some food.

When I got back Roden was asleep. I set the bowl of soup down on the table beside the bed and Tobias thanked me for bringing it.

"Would you mind staying with him again?" Tobias asked. I shrugged.

I had nothing better to do. Since Jaron had brought me to the castle I never really knew what to do. Jaron allowed me to not be a servant but that gave me a lot of time where I had nothing to do. Tobias thanked me again and left the room. I sat for a while just watching Roden but it was pretty boring and I soon realized I was fairly tired myself. I noticed there was some space on the side of the bed so I laid my head down. My head slightly touched Roden's side but he didn't wake up so I stayed where I was. I closed my eyes and felt Roden's breathing. It was surprisingly soothing and I fell asleep quickly.

I woke up to the clinking of a spoon against a bowl. I looked up at Roden and he frowned.

"This soup is cold." He said.

"That's your fault for being asleep when I brought it." I replied.

He had no answer and continued to eat the cold soup.

"Did you sleep well?" He grinned.

"I was tired," I said, "And Tobias told me to stay here."

"Where is he?"

"I don't know. He probably had something to do."

"But you didn't?" He asked.


"Don't you have some food to cook or something?" He grinned. I sighed and stared at him.

"I'm kidding," He said, "Thanks for staying with me." He smiled.

I couldn't help but smile back. Sure, he got on my nerves, but something about him also made me smile. I watched as his eyes started to close again.

"I think the medicine has some sort of side effect. I'm still tired and I've already slept for quite some time." He commented and closed his eyes.

A few minutes later I was sure he was asleep. I was about to leave to go get some food for myself but when I got up and turned to leave he opened his eyes.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"I thought you were asleep," I said, "I was going to get some food."

"Oh. Bring me some too, preferably warm this time." He smiled.

"You just ate." I replied.

"Yes but that soup was cold and you didn't bring enough."

"Fine." I sighed and went to get more soup.

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