Part Three

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Just real quick before you read, I thought should mention that this part takes place a few days after the first two parts. Anyways, continue reading.
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I watched from the distance as the soldier sliced his arm. Roden winced but continued to fight. Eventually Roden gave up and the soldier had him pinned to the ground, with his sword to his neck. I was worried for a second until I remembered it was one of Roden's own men, who was only training with him. The man released Roden and laughed.

"You let your guard down." The soldier commented.

"You hurt my arm, I thought you'd stop." Roden replied, looking down at his arm.

The soldier apologized and Roden dismissed him. I decided to go make sure his arm was okay. The sword had seemed like it had gone fairly deep and I wanted to make sure that he was not too injured. Roden was still lying on the ground when I got to him.

"Are you okay?" I asked, kneeling down beside him. He shrugged.

"You stupid sack of dirt, getting yourself hurt all the time." I said, lightly punching the arm that wasn't cut.

"Wow, for a second there it seemed like you actually cared." Roden smirked. I simply glared at him.

"You know, you're pretty cute when you're angry." He reached out to touch my face. I swatted his hand away.

"Are you hurt?" I asked again, choosing to ignore his previous comment.

"Yes." He said.


"My hand."

"What happened to your hand?" I asked.

"You slapped it." He grinned. I proceeded slapped his cheek.

"Now my face hurts." He said, still grinning.

"I'm being serious. Is your arm okay?" I asked, lifting it slightly to get a better look at the cut.

He gasped a little when I touched his arm so I guessed the injury was pretty bad.

"It's fine." He said.

"No it's not. Come on, we'll get Tobias to take a look at it." I said, standing up.

I expected Roden to get up too but he remained on the ground.

"Are you coming?" I asked.

"I don't know, I don't think I can walk." He said, a slight smirk appearing on his face.

"Why? It's your arm that's hurt."

"Yeah well, I think you might have to carry me." He smirked again.

"No, you can walk just fine," I turned to leave again, "Besides, you're really heavy." I said over my shoulder.

"Oh, I see. You're too weak." He joked.

I stopped. He knew that comment would get to me and I'd have no choice but to carry him all the way to Tobias.

"I am not." I replied, turning back around to face him.

"No, it's okay. I get it. I wouldn't expect any more from a kitchen servant." He said, knowing that would only make me want to carry him more.

He had a habit of calling me a kitchen servant whenever he could. I didn't even work in the kitchen and he knew that comment always made me angry. I sighed. Another bad thing about the kitchen servant joke was that I never had a comeback. I walked over to his side and lifted him off the ground. He smiled, knowing once again his trick had worked.
He wasn't actually that heavy. He was pretty thin and I had lots of experience from carrying my brother around when we were younger.
When we reached Tobias' room Roden knocked on the door. He was still in my arms when Tobias answered.

"What happened?" He asked, taking Roden from me and laying him on the bed.

"He hurt his arm." I told him. Tobias looked confused.

"Then why were you carrying him?" He asked.

I had no answer so I shrugged. He looked to Roden who just smiled.

"Well, let's look at your arm then." Tobias said, lifting his arm and examining the cut.

"It's pretty bad. What happened?" He asked.

"Sword practice." Roden answered.

Tobias sighed and took out some alcohol for the wound. I stood on the other side of the bed and watched as Tobias poured some onto Roden's arm. Roden grabbed my hand and squeezed it. The alcohol must have stung pretty bad because I was quite sure Roden would have never held my hand otherwise. His eyes were closed tight and he didn't open them until after Tobias had wrapped a bandage around the cut. He also didn't let go of my hand until the bandage was on, although he had loosened his grip once the alcohol had soaked in.

"Could you watch him while I go get some medicine?" Tobias asked and I nodded.

I found a chair and brought it to where I had been standing before. Roden watched me but didn't say anything. I sat down and looked at his arm.

"How does it feel?" I asked.

Obviously, I knew it would still hurt from the alcohol but I wanted to start a conversation since the silence was awkward.

"It hurts," He said, "And I'm hungry."

"Well, that's too bad. I'm not a kitchen servant." I replied.

"Oh really? I could've sworn you were." He laughed.

For now I didn't mind the joke. I hoped laughing helped him forget some of the pain.

"Maybe if you're lucky Tobias will bring some food too."

"Doubt it," He said, "You could go get some though."

"No, Tobias told me to watch you. I'm not going to leave until he gets back."

"Well, I guess my plan to get rid of you didn't work." He laughed.

"No, it didn't. Maybe just to bother you I'll stay even after Tobias gets back." I joked.

"Oh no. Please don't." He laughed again. I smiled.

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