This morning Muffin_1023 and I were in the girl's bathroom just chatting like always.
All of a sudden, the "popular girl", also known as Krazy Kylie (because she's a crazy motherf🌸cker), comes into the bathroom and is like, "what the hell are you doing in here?"
Macy was so shook, she was r e a d y [to fite] and was making these faces like, "😂🔼🔽how u still here tho❓☺" and in my mind I was like "idk, I was sh💩tting, what are you doing in here, hm? Hm? Haha, try me pls lessgo, come on, go ahead, do it, if ur weak to fite us then ur a f🌸g js."
This girl who's often teased just left because Kylie was sort of talking directly to her which is bs. [Note to Kylie & Co. : Lmao you little fucks GoAheadAndKickMeOutButIHopeTheDoorAggresivelyHitsYouOnYourWayOut]
Her friend was so embarassed she's like, "lmao pls ignore me idk why she wilding."
Then these two girls come in and Kylie goes, "and you too?"
The fucking girl that came in was so triggered, we left before seeing what went down, but her face was so--- She was r e a d y