Part 4: Coffee and a Number

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You clocked in to work exactly on time. 6:00 AM. Just in time for the morning rush. You were one of the best workers your local coffee shop had ever seen, and you worked multiple shifts, enough to make you some decent money until you find out what you want to do with yourself as you get older. You threw on your apron and fixed your hair before preparing to take some orders.

A lot of the customers were regulars, so you knew their order before they even spoke, making your job easier since it wasn't all short term memory. A particularly nice looking gentleman, however, wasn't a regular. The blonde haired young man waited on line as he squinted to see the large menu above the counter. He caught your eye once and flashed you a grin as you quickly went back to making that latte with a triple shot of espresso. He was attractive, yes, but you aren't one of those people who develops crushes very easily. You don't let your heart run ahead of your mind very often.

Before you knew it, the man was at the counter waiting. "Hello, mister, what would you like to order today?" you smiled professionally. He scratched his head and slyly said "Yeah, I'd like a tall pike with some half and half, and maybe a phone number?" You smiled. "Coming right up," you said grabbing a napkin and scribbling your number down on it. Hey, you don't develop crushes very easily, but you could work on it. This guy was hot. And your confidence was up since he ordered the thing you make best. You finished his order off and handed it to him. "Thank you," he said with a wink. "You're welcome," you replied as he walked out. You fixed your hair after he left and returned to your work.

2:00 PM came quickly and you were glad. You didn't get much sleep last night because of the strange events with Dan. How was Dan anyway? He hasn't texted you. You washed your face and let yourself lie down on the couch for a bit, leaving your phone on ringer next to you in case that hot boy texted you. Feeling your body relax deeper into the couch, you shut your eyes for a moment...

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