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Justin's pov

I woke up to the sound of crying

I looked around the room and looked at the time it's 12 great just great then i looked once more and noticed that maddie wasn't here

I got up And listened to the sound of crying and followed it

As the crying got louder I walked faster then I stopped at this door were I could here the crying perfectly

I opened the door carefully and wouldn't believe what I saw

Maddie with the blade in her hand the blood dripping down from her wrist

I ran over to her "what were you thinking"I said trying to stop the bleeding

"Don't "she said pulling her wrist from me

"Let me die let me be happy ill do us both a favor if I just killed myself "

"Nononono"I said screaming

"Can I tell you a secret "she said looking at me with Tears running down her face

"I sometimes starve myself " she looked down ashamed

I gasp who knew I said in my Mind

"And when I was younger "sounding like she was on the verge of crying

"When I was younger my mom had went to a work trip and left me with my step dad one night he told me to say goodnight to him and I did but he wouldn't let me go so I pretended to sleep and then he started to touch me he got on top of me and dry humped me and started to kiss me and I couldn't do anything cause I was to scared to and then I told my mom a few years later and she didn't believe me she started to hit me she hated me she even said she wanted to give me up for adoption "she said crying hestrically

I just grabbed her and hugged her

"No get off of me "she said screaming

"You hurt me so much you fucking much that me you wanted me dead what did I do to you for you to hate me "she said pointing her finger at me

I just looked away what do I say

"I know and I regret that "

"You see that's what people these days doing stuff they regret making them seem like if they said they regret it that what they did was alright "she said looking at me

"I spent my whole fucking childhood begin fucken raped by my fucken step dad I didn't even tell my mom cause I knew she loved him and she'll hate me more than she dose right now "she said the tears rolling down her face

My heart cracked she was raped by her own dad and on top of that she was abused by me and her mother what kind of fucken monster am I

"I'm sorry "

She just looked at me and laughed

"YOu could stop saying sorry you know it's not gonna get you anywhere "she said

"Your the first person I ever told this to my fucken bully "

I looked at her and kissed her

Suprisingly she kissed back

I pulled away and told her

"You don't know how long I've been wanting to do that "I smiled still feeling her lips on mine

She looked like she made a mistake


"You liked me "she said sounding suprised

"Yes "I said

"Then how come you always hit me and told me I was worthless"

"Idk "I said begin completely honest

"Can I see your wrist "

She shook her head and looked down

"Plz "

She sighed and pulled out her arm and left up her sleeve

I felt my eyes well up

The scar were so big and thick there was so may of them they were overlapping

She pulled back her wrist and looked down again I grabbed her by he chin and made her look at me

"Promise me that you'll never so this again "I said sounding like would brake down any minute

"Okay "she said looking at me

I leaned in wanting to feel her lips again

When are lips meet I felt fireworks

I closed my eyes and enjoyed this moment

When we pulled apart I said

"Let's get back to bed "

She nodded

We went back to the room and payed down

We tangled are self together

When I heard her soft snores I knew she was asleep

I kissed her forehead

And whispered "I love you I really do"

I smiled and went to sleep


What did you think of the secrets she told him

Omg 😫😭😨😥😱😨

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