Chapter Ten

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I decide to visit Erin today, but when I find her, she is on the roof of the Palace. She calls down to me, "Why don't you climb up with me, Katheryn? I don't want you to miss this view."

I call back up to her, "I'm not really a climber and this building is so tall and-" Erin gives me this look that proves that there's no use arguing with her, so I attempt to climb it. I stick my fingers in some holes and cracks in the walls in order to get any higher; it's kind of like rock climbing. When I'm finally on top, I sit next to Erin and look out.

You could see a bird's eye view of Sky, well most of it. It's more than beautiful; it's amazing. I wonder how Erin could be so comfortable on the roof of the Palace while I feel the total opposite.

Erin smiles at me, "Your wings are very beautiful. Do you know how to use them?"

My wings are fully-grown now; it feels unusual to have my own sparkly wings. Too bad, I don't know how to fly yet, but that's for Erin to teach me. Luckily, all the clothes have holes in the backs so I can let them out.

I shake my head. "They were fully grown a couple days ago."

Erin says, "You need to start learning how to soon. I'll teach you. Lesson starting now."

Erin pushes me off the roof and I fall fast. I'm too scared to think about trying to fly, I can't even move my wings. Just as I'm about to make impact, I feel Erin's hands on my wrists and she lowers me to the ground.

"Oh, land sweet land," I exclaim greatly relieved.

Erin is laughing at me. "So you want to move things with your mind when you're angry, but you don't want to fly when you're scared."

I stand up and dust myself off. "I don't know how to control them yet. I mean, how do you do that?"

Erin is still laughing at me. "Don't worry; I know the perfect place to teach you how to fly. Come with me."

I was surprised that our destination was a park. The park looked like any normal park; it had a play structure, a swing set, a basketball court, and a big grassy area. The park small and slightly damaged, but the kids still played there; they even played with Frisbee in the air.

Erin mumbles, "Creatures destroy everything."

We walk to a clear space in the grassy area when a little girl with golden hair approaches me. She bows slightly and gives me a small bouquet of flowers.

She smiles a big smile, "I picked them myself for you Princess. You put them in your hair to look pretty."

I place the yellow daisies in my hair and her eyes sparkle. She bows again before skipping away skips away.

Erin and I walk to our own little area for me to practice. "Just concentrate. Think of you wings as an extension of your arms."

I try multiple times, but whenever I do hover, it only an inch above the ground. I even fall on my butt a few times. I become frustrated. "Ugh, this is pointless. I'm sitting here flapping my arms like and idiot."

"No, it's not," Erin says. "Flying is your main source of transportation. You just have to be patient with yourself. And-"

"Yes, I know. Concentrate." I try one more time and as I do I feel myself getting higher off the ground. I become too excited, which causes me to wobble, but either way I'm flying! Erin flies up with me.

"Good job Katheryn. Just keep practicing and you'll get the hang of it."

"Whee! I'm like a bird! Yay!"

"Yay," Erin mimics me. "Soon, you'll be able to do tricks and fight in the air."

"I'm going to try to fly to Frosty's house. I'll see you around."

"Don't crash," Erin calls out from behind me.

It took me a while, but finally I make it to the house without wobbling like a drunk pigeon. I land not so softly, but I'll work on that. I open the door and it's quiet; a bit too quiet. I call Frosty's name, no answer. I call Jason, but still no answer. I walk upstairs to check their bedrooms. When I go into Frosty's room my heart stops.

A Creature kneels over Frosty's closet, her clothes and other belongings scattered across her bedroom floor. This monster has ransacked the entire house.

Looking for me.

I want to put my training into some use; to fight the monster, to destroy it, but I'm stuck. My first instinct is to run and panic.

The Creature instantly recognizes who I am and smiles. It vaporizes toward me and the smell of blood on his breath lingers.

I swing my dagger at it but it only leaves a scratch on its forearm. When it screeches, I scream and bolt downstairs. I run so fast that one of the steps snaps in half and I struggle to break my leg free.

"Oh Princess," the monster taunts. "I'm not finished with you yet!"

I run into the kitchen, but the Creature beats there. It grabs me by the throat and pins me to the wall. I can't breathe.

"Don't fight this, Princess," it sneers.

I grip my dagger as tightly as I could and stick it into the Creature's forehead. Black liquid runs down it's ghastly face and onto my hands.

Out of rage, it strikes me on the face; blood trickles down my cheek. I watch as the monster twitches a bit before finally disappearing.

I sigh in relief and lean against the refrigerator. I'm covered in black blood while my own runs down my neck. Then, I hear a marvelous sound; Frosty and Jason entering the house.

You can imagine their shock when they found me in the position I was in.

"Oh no," Frosty cries. "Katheryn what happened?"

I'm shaking badly; I can barely get a word out. "A Creature, it was here. It was strong, but I- I..."

"Is that Creature blood," Jason asks, gesturing to my arm. I nod shakily.

"You killed it?"

"Yes," I mumble.

Jason gives me a small smile and helps me to my feet. He caresses the wound on my cheek. "I can fix that."

Frosty is puzzled. "Why was a Creature here?"

"Why else," Jason responds harshly.

Frosty and Jason both look at me.

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