Chapter Twenty-Six

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Joy was right about the abundance of presents I would be receiving. I'm drowning in gifts, flowers, and birthday cards. The maids had to move half of them to another room. I don't even think I'll have time to open them all.

"Princess," Mary cheers. "We have another!"

"Alright, bring it in," I sigh.

Mary enters my room with a small red box. Really? That's it? There isn't a person sized box filled with coins or a dress that I'll probably never wear or a sloppy card made by a five year old? Nope, just a small red box. I take it from Mary and open it instantly.

It's a necklace, a simple silver chain with a diamond jeweled K hanging from it. It's simple but still beautifully elegant. This was the first gift I received that I genuinely liked.

"Hey Mary, who gave me this," I ask wrapping the necklace around my neck.

Mary just shrugs her shoulders. "I don't know; some woman with pink hair."

I admire the necklace in the mirror. I wish I could thank whoever sent me this. "Well, I'll go get the rest," Mary says. "There is just a line out there." And with that, she leaves.

I turn back to the mirror only to stare into the eyes of a Creature. I gasp and reach for my dagger, but as I do, the Creature reaches out takes hold of my wrist. So, I use my free hand to strike it in the jaw, which leaves my mirror in pieces. Again.

The Creature was never there; it was just all in my head.

"Kat, are you OK." Mary returns with a box in her hands. She comes over to me and examined my wound. Blood streams from my hand and a few glass pieces impale my skin.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I pull my hand away. She offers to help me but when I look up at her, a Creature takes her place. Is it real or is it just in my head again. I don't want to take any chances, so I grab my dagger and stab its ankle.

"Ah! Katheryn!"

I ignore its plea and kick it in the stomach. That'll give me some time to run. I stick my dagger in my holster and bolt out of my room. I run down the hallway, down the stairs, and out of the Palace. Mary wasn't lying when she said there was a line. It almost wrapped around the Palace.

Instantly, there was cheering and smiling. I could hear the joy, but all I saw were shadows; so many shadows. They were creeping toward me, toward me, toward me. My heart bangs rapidly against my chest.

"Get away from me," I scream internally.I push past the dense crowd and try to ignore the voice in my head.




I sprint away from something, from everything. Maybe even nothing in particular. I just know if I want to live, I have to get away. Get away. Get away.

I trip and stumble on a crack in the ground. My chest heaves and my hands shake uncontrollably. I turn over on my back and they have followed me. The monsters hover over me, grinning wide grins. I swing my dagger a few times, but they keep coming. It's over.

The Creatures' darkness consumes me.


My eyes shoot open.

I'm in a room. A big room. A white room. A bright room.

I'm lying down. On a bed. A big bed. A white bed.

I'm wearing a gown. A white gown. A hospital gown.

I feel a warm hand on top of mine. I turn over and look into the eyes of my mother. She looks just the same as how I left her. Her curly brown hair flows wonderfully down her back and her eyes shine with happiness. She doesn't even show signs of depression

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