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Continue of Justin's POV

I ran to Ryan and hugged him with Tears everywhere.. "Ushers gone man.. He's gone!" Ryan's Jaw dropped "oh my god.." He begins to cry as well.. The crew go inside the studio and clean up everything.. The blood and the bodies. I Really hope Melissa's okay!!


Melissa's POV

"Baby... Please Open Your Eyes.. Please.. I'm sorry about my life and what it's done to you... Please wake up.. I Love You.." I hear someone say.. Justin... What the hell happened why can't I opens eyes.. I try again... The try once more and they opened... I see Justin with his head down crying. "I love you too" I whisper.. His head shot up and the biggest smile came across his face he hugs me.. I wince a little I have a huge headache.. "Wait why am I at the hospital?? What the hell happened?! How long was I asleep!?" I was freakin out "Shh..." Justin cooed "it's okay.. You've been asleep for about 4-5 days... Your were shot.." I was shocked.. "Really?" I said "do you remember anything?" He said extremely worried.. "Yea.. I remember you singing that song to me... Then everything just went.. Black.." I said "it's okay baby were going home today.."


We got home and Melissa went straight upstairs I called the crew so they could meet us here.. I walk upstairs and check the room and my princess is sound asleep.. When I walk back downstairs I here someone knock on the door.. I open it and it's the crew.. I walk to the crew room I have below the house. "Okay thank you everybody for coming tonight.. So.. For those of you may know we are planing on killing Jeffery and his crew... Because his crew shot Melissa and killed Usher." Everybody nods.. "Chaz have you tracked them yet?" He nods "They are currently at San Diego" "Okay.. Not to far.." "So where doing plan 56" everybody nods "When are we gonna do this." Chantel says.. She our seducer.. She lowerings them into a hotel room and we later kill them.. "Saturday.." She nods "wait boss.. They go to the club on Saturdays.." "I know.. That's why your going to seduce him back to our back up house and we'll kill him there.." She nods "got it" she winks "is that all!!" Ryan says.. "Yea.. We have 5 days to plan this.. Ryan I'm gonna need to tap into the clubs security system so they won't see Chantel leave with Jeffery.. And the rest I you guys will take security.. If you know what I'm saying!!" I say with a smirk.. Everybody smiles and nods.. "Call me if you guys have any questions okay... But remember we're doing this not only for my girl... But for Usher.."

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