Ask #248

146 4 0

Nimi: From WillofTheNight!

Nagito: For the Green Satan

Monaca: Yes?

Nimi: -points to video- How and where?

Monaca: Big Sis Junko made it for us!

Junko: I make the best despairing songs there is!

Nimi: -smashes camera-

[Byakuya The Baby 66/66]

[Juzo The Baby 62/66]

[Pikachu Cosplay 10/20]

[Chiaki Looks Awesome 9/50]

[This Is Gonna Be Painful 8/50]

[Am I Masochist Or A Sadist? 3/30]

Ask Or Dare Dangan Ronpa: Book 4Where stories live. Discover now